본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2014.12.11 2014고단2629


A Imprisonment of 10 months, Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of 1,00,000 won.


B The above fine.


Punishment of the crime

1. On May 4, 2014, at around 01:00 on May 4, 2014, Defendant A, a co-principal of the Defendants, was significantly sounded in Gomando toilet located in Ulsan-gu F, Ulsan-gu, and Defendant B said, Defendant B said, “I am under the influence of alcohol, I do not see that I will be under the influence of alcohol, and I am under the influence of the victim’s fine.”


A was aware of the victim’s desire to attract the body of the victim to Defendant B, and the victim was able to take the victim’s face, etc. due to drinking and saliva.


B, in opposition to the above violence of Defendant A, the victim showed that he assaulted Defendant A by setting up against Defendant A, and the victim's face was 3 times as a drinking.

As a result, the Defendants jointly assaulted the victims, thereby causing the victims to suffer approximately four weeks of medical treatment.

2. Defendant A’s obstruction of the performance of official duties was asked by the slopingJ affiliated with the Ulsan Eastdong Police Station I District District of the Ulsandong Police Station, which was called upon the report of 112 at the same date and time as indicated in the foregoing paragraph (1), and the Defendant was asked about the factual relations, and Defendant A collected “We need not sing out singe, sing off, and sing off,” and collected the glass cup from this place to the left side of the J’s slope, and collected the flaps of the name unfortud customers who were in his hand, and had the intention to attract other customers under the name unfortuds.

이후 피고인은 위 지구대 소속 경위 K이 피고인의 위와 같은 행위를 제지하려고 하자 발로 경위 K의 낭심을 1회 걷어차고, 경사 J가 미란다원칙을 고지하며 피고인을 공무집행방해 현행범인으로 체포하려고 하자 오른발로 경사 J의 얼굴을 1회 걷어찼다.

Accordingly, the defendant's legitimate performance of official duties by police officers, 112 notification processing and arrest of flagrant offenders.
