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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.04.26 2019고단323

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] The Defendant was sentenced to six months of imprisonment due to a crime on February 19, 2014 and was sentenced to a total of 14 times of punishment for the same crime of fraud.

[2019 Highest 323]

1. On December 23, 2018, the Defendant issued a service order of 10 Macju and 15,000 won in total and 15,00 won in the market price as if the Defendant had no intent or ability to pay the price, and acquired property profits equivalent to the above amount by being provided by the victim C with the service of 15,000 won in total.

2. At around 03:40 on January 13, 2019, the Defendant issued an order of 18 Creju 18 illness, 2 illness, 40,000 won in total, 440,000 won in the market price, and acquired property benefits equivalent to the above amount, as the Defendant would have had no intent or ability to pay the price, but would normally pay the price.

[2019 Highest 1078]

1. On December 11, 2018, the Defendant: (a) at the main point of “J” operated by the Victim I located in H in Seocheon-si; (b) even if there is no cash or credit card, etc. in his/her possession, it would like to pay the price in the absence of an intent or ability to pay the price; and (c) ordered the Victim to provide alcohol and alcohol, etc.; and (d) the Defendant received the Victim’s basic alcoholic beverages and alcohol equivalent to the total market value of KRW 260,000,000 from the victim; and (e) obtained pecuniary benefits equivalent to the said amount after being provided with the victim’s alcohol and alcohol.

2. On December 30, 2018, the Defendant is provided with the “M” operated by the victim L in the fourth floor of the K Building in Dongducheon-si, 2018, and even if he/she is provided with alcohol, alcohol, etc. due to his/her cash or credit cards, etc.
