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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원서부지원 2020.07.23 2019가합52137

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The parties’ status network E (Death on February 23, 1942) had a net F in South Korea, and the net F (Death on November 15, 1958 between the deceased Party and the deceased on November 15, 1958) was written as deceased on November 15, 1958 on a certified copy of the net F (the date and time of death of the deceased Party) was written as deceased on November 15, 1958. Since the date and time of death of the network F is not affected by the judgment of the cause of claim, the deceased on the certified copy of the net G (Death on September 26, 1995), the male head of the household (the deceased on September 26, 1995), the Plaintiff, H, I, J, and K were placed.

The defendant is the head of the net G and the plaintiff's assistance.

B. On February 10, 193, the network E purchased a L forest in Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu on February 10, 193, but died on February 23, 1942, the ownership was inherited to the net F, his heir, his heir. The Daegu-gu C forest in Daegu-gu, and 3,333 square meters (hereinafter “instant C forest”).

(2) On March 5, 1948, the netF purchased N forest in Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu, and completed the registration of ownership transfer under the name of net F with respect to shares 89/90 among them on December 7, 1948, and 1/90 shares are registered under a title trust with the networkO and completed the registration of ownership transfer under the name of the networkO.

The 2,440 square meters of D Forest in Daegu-gu (hereinafter “instant D Forest”) was divided into the P Forest divided from the foregoing N Forest (hereinafter “instant P Forest”).

3. On August 6, 1970, the network G completed the registration of ownership transfer of LG forests in Daegu-gu LG due to the sale and purchase in accordance with the Act on Special Measures for the Registration, etc. of Ownership of Real Estate, and on December 14, 1989, the registration of ownership transfer was completed in the name of the defendant on the ground of donation.

In addition, on December 7, 1968, the network G completed the registration of ownership transfer in the name of the defendant on the ground of the transfer of shares of 89/90 in the name of the networkF among N forest on the ground of family inheritance, on the ground of the sale and purchase of shares of 1/90 in the name of the network, on the ground of each network G, and on the ground of the donation on December 14, 1989, the ownership transfer registration was completed in the name of the defendant.

C. The Plaintiff’s possession of the instant C, P, and D forest.
