본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2013.11.14 2013고단790


A and B Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, for each of the six months, for Defendant C, D and E, and for Defendant F with prison labor for eight months, for Defendant G.


Punishment of the crime


C was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for a crime of fraud at the Seoul Central District Court on April 5, 2013, and the judgment became final and conclusive on April 19, 2013. Defendant D was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment for a crime of fraud at the Suwon District Court on November 15, 2012, and the judgment became final and conclusive on November 20, 2012. Defendant E was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for a crime of fraud at the Seoul Central District Court on April 5, 2013, and the judgment became final and conclusive on May 31, 2013, and Defendant F was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment and three years of suspended execution at the Suwon District Court on January 25, 2013.

The telephone financial fraud group shall consist of ① a total book (the organizational management of Chinese and Korean Bophishing, the operation of call centers, and the collection order of remitters) 2) delivery books (the collection and delivery of one-time passbook to be used for committing a crime under the instruction of the total book), ③ withdrawal books (the cash withdrawal deposits made in the one-time passbook under the instruction of the total book), ④ remittance books (the cash withdrawal made by the one-time withdrawals and the one-time withdrawals through the exchange office, etc.).

The telephone financial fraud organization: (1) The telephone financial fraud organization deceivings victims who are unspecified domestic unspecified persons to get loans by misrepresenting themselves with telephone calls from financial institutions, etc.; (2) the victims to open a bank account in the name of the victims; (3) the victims have been delivered by call; (4) the victims had the bank account and cash cards sent by call; (4) the victims deceiving victims for personal information leakage, loan, and abduction of children by misrepresenting other victims; and (2) the victims have been transferred from the bank account opened as above through the bus terminal, etc.
