본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2018.06.29 2017가합209277

1. The instant lawsuit shall be dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts [General Conditions of Construction Contract] Article 2

1. Site area: 14,376,00 square meters;

2. Specific-use area: Class 1, Class 2 general residential area;

3. Scale: 2 to 15 stories underground and 4 stories underground (29,844.44§³).

4. Use: 247 households of apartments; and

5. Project period: From December 2, 2011 to September 2014 ( approximately 34 months);

6. Structure: A reinforced concrete brick structure;

7. The usage rate: 188.18% "A (the defendant)" and "B (the plaintiff)" shall faithfully perform their roles, duties and responsibilities that fall under any of the following subparagraphs:

(1) “A”’s scope of business and rights and duties; 1) the cancellation of ownership of the project site; 2) the removal of obstacles; 3) the conclusion and bearing of a service contract related to the project in question, such as design, supervision, removal, advertisement; 4) the acquisition and construction of M/H site; 7) any tax imposed on the project management and the owner’s name; 8) the obligation to compensate for the claims of “B”, including construction cost, 9) the performance of the authorization and permission; and 4) any other obligation related to the implementation of the project as a contractor (2) the execution and liability of the object of the project; 3) the execution of the construction project and all civil petitions related to the construction project under Article 4 of this Agreement; 4) the execution of the construction project and the completion of the construction of the object of the project; 4) the execution of the construction project in question; 5) the execution of the construction project agreement and the execution of the construction project under Article 5(5)(6)(3) of the project agreement.
