본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2013.08.29 2013고단1059

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

1,280,000 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant is not a person handling narcotics, and the Defendant is not a person handling narcotics, but not a person handling narcotics, but a person administering psychotropic drugs, and is not a person handling narcotics, but a person administering psychotropic drugs, and is not a person administering psychotropic drugs, and the Defendant is not a person administering psychotropic drugs;

1. At around 17:00 on May 2012, 2012, a disposable injection equipment with approximately 0.4g philopon, which was 2.5g of philopon from D in front of the Busan Shipping Daegu C building, purchased and sold a disposable injection device with approximately 0.4g of philopon.

2. At around 23:00 on June 2012, 200, the Defendant’s dwelling area located in Busan Shipping Daegu E Apartment 102 Dong 606, 102, and 606, administered phiphonephones by dilution with water and injection with water for the Defendant’s arms.

3. On August 22, 2012, around 18:30 on August 2, 2012, the Defendant: (a) purchased and sold 0.7g philopon from D to D’s backway of “H hotel” located in the G basin in Busan Dong-gu, Busan; and (b) purchased and sold 0.7g philopon.

4. At around 24:00 on August 2012, the Defendant administered philophones by dilutioning approximately 0.1g of philophones contained in a single-use injection machine at the residence of the above Defendant, with water, into the Defendant’s arms.

5. On December 2012, 2012, the Defendant administered philophones by dilution approximately 0.1g of philophones contained in a single-use injection machine at the residence of the above Defendant with water, and injection them into the Defendant’s arms.

6. At around 22:00 on the first day of April 2013, the Defendant administered philophones by dilution approximately 0.1g of philophones contained in a single-use injection machine at the dwelling of the above Defendant, with water, in a way of injecting them into the Defendant’s arms.

7. At around 22:00 on May 2013, the Defendant administered philophones by dilution approximately 0.1g of philophones contained in a single-use injection machine at the residence of the above Defendant, with water, in a way of injecting them into the Defendant’s arms.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. The suspect interrogation protocol against the defendant 1.
