본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.10.27 2014나56003

1. The part against the plaintiff corresponding to the money ordered to be paid under the judgment of the court of first instance shall be revoked.

The defendant.


1. Basic facts

A. G purchased real estate listed in the annexed Form 3 (hereinafter “the apartment of this case”) on March 20, 1982, and completed the registration of ownership transfer on March 22, 1982, and completed the registration of ownership transfer on March 22, 1982, as to each of the lands listed in the annexed Table 2, which correspond to the share in the site of the apartment of this case, 46.15/9 of each of the land listed in the annexed Table 2 (the land listed in the annexed Table 2 is subject to a disposition of replotting as follows; hereinafter “the land share before replotting”).

(B) The apartment of this case was registered in the title section of the land, which is the object of the site ownership, as shown in the attached Table 3, with respect to the entire unit of the apartment as shown in the attached Table 3, but the site ownership was not registered).

D On October 1, 1984, G murdered G by having the husband close carbon he was addicted to the severe sensium and sexual abuse that has been continued after the marriage of G, who is the husband, without having the husband visit it.

C. On October 19, 1984, E, the only person of the deceased G, as the wife of the deceased G (10 months after birth) had received the registration of ownership transfer under No. 5104 with respect to each of the instant apartment units for inheritance on October 19, 1984. On November 1, 1984, E sold the instant apartment units to I for 6,700,000 won. Around that time, D transferred the possession of the instant apartment units, but D was detained on December 17, 1984 and was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years on March 22, 1985, and completed the registration of ownership transfer to I, and E was adopted through a child welfare foundation at that time.

I filed a lawsuit against D and E seeking the implementation of the procedure for ownership transfer registration regarding the apartment of this case, and sentenced on October 27, 198 to comply with the procedure for ownership transfer registration on November 1, 1984 with respect to the apartment of this case by this Court 88Da14399 on October 27, 198.
