1. The defendant on May 29, 1959 against the plaintiffs' real estate stated in the attached list of Suwon District Court.
1. Facts of recognition;
가. 일제 강점기 조선총독부 임시토지조사국이 작성한 토지조사부에는, 수원군 C 잡종지 42,415평(이하 ‘이 사건 사정토지’라 한다)를 ‘경성부 중부 D(京城部 中部 D)’에 주소를 둔 ‘E’가 사정받은 것으로 기재되어 있다.
B. The Plaintiff’s prior-party F had his permanent domicile under Jongno-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Gro and under its chain, and H and I, upon the death of the F on February 4, 1915, H, the head of H, who was the deceased, succeeded to F. After H, on November 15, 1972, H’s 2/13 shares, the wife J, the 6/13 shares, the Plaintiff A, the heir of Australia, and the son, the 4/13 shares, the 4/13 shares, and the 1/13 shares, respectively.
In addition, as the above J died on December 24, 1981, the Plaintiff A inherited 6/11 out of the above 2/13 shares of J, 6/11 out of the 2/13 shares of Plaintiff B, 6/11 out of the 2/13 shares of Plaintiff B, and 1/11 out of the 2/13 shares of J, and the above K donated the entire inheritance shares to Plaintiff B on April 5, 2013.
C. The instant assessment land was divided into multiple parcels on a date irregular, and on August 12, 1957, the land of Suwon-gun L, one of the divided parcels, was divided into 1,031 square meters, etc. (hereinafter “instant land”). D. The land of this case was divided into 1,031 square meters (hereinafter “instant land”).
The registration of ownership preservation in the name of the defendant was completed on May 29, 1959 by the Suwon District Court, the Sungsung District Court, the Sungsung District Court, the receipt of May 29, 1959.
[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, entry of Gap 1 through 12 evidence (including additional number items), fact-finding reply to the chemical market, the purport of the whole pleadings
2. Determination on the cause of the claim
가. 이 사건 소유권보존등기의 말소등기절차 이행 의무 1 이 사건 사정토지의 사정명의자인 E는 원고들의 선대인 위 F와 한글 및 한자 이름이 동일하고, 토지조사부에 기재된 사정명의자의 주소가'경성부 중부 D 京城部 中部 D '으로서 이는 현재의 종로구 N동, O,...