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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2019.06.21 2018고단4528

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Violation of the Child Welfare Act (child’s coercion coercion, persuling, etc.) and coercion Defendant: (a) sent and received appB from the victim C (n, 10 years of age, 10, 10) to the victim with DNA games on April 20, 2018; and (b) requested the victim to send a photograph of his/her body taken with his/her face and clothes; (c) sent the photograph of his/her face to the victim; and (d) requested the victim to send a photograph of his/her body taken with his/her face and clothes; and (d) requested the victim to send a photograph of his/her body taken with his/her face; (d) but refused to send the photograph taken with his/her clothes; (e) the victim was frighted with the victim to commit an obscene act by giving him/her and receive the photograph taken with his

At around 11:40 on April 20, 2018, the Defendant sent Messengers to the victim’s “D” through “D” of smartphones used by the Defendant to the effect that “if you do not have to take photographs, you will spread the already transmitted face and telegraph photograph,” thereby threatening the victim. The Defendant sent Messengers over several occasions, “we can see even see the victim,” “I can see even see,” “I can see, I can see, I can see,” “I can see, I can see, I can see,” “I can see, I can see, I can see,” and “I can send Messensgers to the Defendant via D Messen.” The Defendant had the victim photograph the victim’s chest with smartphone as requested by the Defendant.

As a result, the Defendant committed sexual abuse, such as sexual harassment, which causes a child victim to feel sexual humiliation, and at the same time threatened the victim with a non-obligatory act.

2. The Defendant in violation of the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse (obscenity possession) was transmitted from January 2018 to April 2018, the pictures and videos taken from the influor women who became aware of in the said “H” to store them on the Defendant’s cell phone, after being transmitted the pictures and videos taken from the influor women as recorded in the crime sight list.
