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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2016.02.18 2015고단2226

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Criminal facts

1. Interference with the business of victims B;

가. 2015. 7. 23. 자 업무 방해 피고인은 2015. 7. 23. 16:00 경부터 같은 날 16:20 경까지 전 북 완주군 C에 있는 피해자 B( 여, 48세) 운영의 ‘D 다방 ’에서 피해 자가 피고인에게 “ 영업하는 다방에 와서 차도 안 시키고 술만 먹으려 면 가라” 고 말했다는 이유로 피해자에게 “ 왜 내가 가야 혀, 나 못 가 씹할, 맘대로 혀 씹할, 내가 조폭들도 많이 아는데 씹할 내가 가만두나 봐라, 내가 장사허게 하나 봐 씹할, 파출소 신고 혀 봐, 파출소 경찰들 와 봐야 나한테 꼼짝도 못 혀 ”라고 큰소리치고 위 다방에 있던 손님 E에게 “니 미 씹할, 내가 왜 가 씹할, 때려 봐 때려 봐 씹할” 이라고 욕설을 하는 등 소란을 피워 위력으로 피해자의 다방 영업 업무를 방해하였다.

B. On August 31, 2015, the Defendant, from around 13:20 on August 31, 2015 to around 13:40 on the same day, expressed to the Defendant that “If the victim wants to drink on a roadway, he/she does not do so,” the Defendant expressed to the Defendant that “I will see that I will see that I will see that I will see that I see that I will see if I see it, I see that I will see it, I see it, and that I see if I will report it, I see that I will see it, and interfere with the victim’s multiple business operations by force by force, such as spawing the victim’s satisf.”

2. From around 11:00 on August 26, 2015 to around 11:20 on the same day, the Defendant who interfered with the business of the Victim F, was the Defendant, who was under way at the physical treatment room of the “H family department member” in the physical treatment room of the victim F (51) located in the former North west-gun G (51) even after the period for physical treatment had been expired, and at least three hours had been required for the physical treatment.

For the reason that “I expressed that I had been aware of it,” “I would have been aware of it,” and “two hours after he had been aware of it,” to the victim who had been reported on medical treatment.

c) make a false statement;
