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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.06.19 2012고합1552

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On March 18, 2008, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for a violation of the Act on Registration of Credit Business and Protection of Financial Users, etc. at the Incheon District Court on March 18, 2008, and completed the execution of the sentence on May 10, 2009.

[2012 Gohap1552] The Defendant is a person who is known to be “D” and “E” while soliciting service subscribers.

In December 209, in order to attract the subscribers to the services from the Habnman on December 2, 2009, the victim KT Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "KT") and SKKcom (hereinafter referred to as the "SKKK"), the company has established a system by which long-term users of services can purchase the North Korea at a higher rate during the service use period, and the opening agency which has entered into an entrustment contract with the victim company first purchased the North Korea model designated by the victim company, and then issued the user's personal information and the Nohbuk Simp number scheduled to deliver it to the victim company's computer network (A4S), and then, issued the relevant Nomt to the subscriber and the subscriber with the core chip (A4S), the victim company has operated the company in a lump sum to provide the opening agency with the purchase of the North Korea model designated by the victim company.

The defendant abused the fact that the victim company purchases and pays the ice number of the Not North Korea that the opening agency entered or notified by the opening agency alone, and then in collusion with subordinate recruitment business entities, etc. in order with subordinate recruitment business entities, etc. to pay the unit principal, etc. of the relevant Not North Korea by using abuse of the fact that the victim company will pay the unit principal, etc. of the relevant Not North Korea, and files an application for a Not North Korean book with the victim company through the opening agency by using the documents related to the purchase of the services and the application for the Not North Korean unit from the subscribers recruited by the subordinate recruitment business entities, and files a false application for a Not Korean book with the victim company through the opening agency, and the opening agency business entities pay Not North Korea
