본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2014.02.05 2014고단10

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A and C, at around 06:00 on November 05, 2013, the Defendant and C, who conspired to steals the things stored in the vehicle in front of the Namdong-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, and returned to the vehicle knife in order to recover the heated vehicle, the Defendant and C discovered that there is smart height in the vehicle without cutting the door of the FIstren car owned by the victim E and carried it onto the road.

Accordingly, the defendant and C stolen the victim's car in the amount of 25 million won at the market price in combination with the defendant and C, and stolen the cash amount of 50 million won and the capital amount of 10 million won at the market price.

2. On October 23, 2013, Defendant A and G: (a) around 06:19, the Defendant and G had a brupt in the operation of H victim I in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, Nam-gu; (b) reported the network in the surrounding areas; and (c) the Defendant: (a) cut the tent installed outside of Schlage with a knife to cut the knife, cut the knife in the knife in the knife, cut the knife, cut the knife in the knife, cut the b

As a result, the defendant stolen goods owned by the victim together with G.

3. Defendant A’s violation of the Road Traffic Act (unlicensed Driving) driving without a driver’s license, around 06:0 on November 5, 2013, around 06:0, the Defendant driven a FIstton vehicle, which was stolen as prescribed in the foregoing paragraph (1), from the front day of the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City (Seoul), to the end of the department store, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, Bupyeong-gu, Seoul, to the front day of the department store. On November 7, 2013, Defendant A driven the said Hastton vehicle on the road near the Bupyeong-gu, Incheon to the road near the 1stic Station of the Geumcheon-dong Seoul, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Seoul, to the end of the 1stic Station. On November 11:00, 2013, the Defendant driven the said Hastton vehicle on the road near the 1stic Station in Geumcheon-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each prosecutor's protocol of examination of the accused and C by the prosecution;

1. Statement of the police officer to I;

1. A report on vehicle theft (E);
