본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산가정법원 2011.9.9.자 2011느합0 심판

2011Adjudication of Loss of Parental Authority


Article 20 ( Males who have 34 Years)

Address Gyeongnam-gun 00, 000 00

Gyeong-gun, Gyeong-gun, 000, 000

Other Party

Article 00 (Name Before Name: Head of 00, Women of 67 Years)

Busan Northern District Court Decision 00 Dong 000 - 0000 000 Dora 000

Changwon-si, Sungwon-gu, 000 Dong 00

Principal of the case

Article 20 (Mymsss Lifeing 93 Years)

Address Kimhae-si 0 Dong 000 - 0

Gyeong-gun, Gyeong-gun, 000, 000

Imposition of Judgment

September 9, 2011


1. The other party shall lose parental authority over the principal of the case;

2. The cost of the trial shall be borne by the other party.

Purport of claim

The order is as set forth in the text.


In full view of the records of this case and the purport of the whole examination, the claimant's humbl 00, the claimant's humbl hume, August 192

27. Although the principal of the case was married with the other party and was the child of the other party, judicial divorce was finalized on February 25, 2003, and the decision was made in lieu of conciliation, and was designated as the person with parental authority and the person with parental authority over the principal of the case and the person with parental authority over the principal of the case. After the divorce, the claimant, as a conciliation division of the principal of the case, brought up the principal of the case together with 00, and the other party did not contact the principal of the case after the divorce, and the other party stated that he did not raise any objection to the claim of the case, and that he did not raise any objection, and the fact that the deceased maximum 00 on December 19, 2010 can be recognized respectively.

According to the above facts of recognition, it is difficult to expect that the other party would exercise parental authority appropriately for the principal of the case, and there is a serious reason for not allowing the other party to exercise parental authority over the principal of the case.

Therefore, the appeal of this case is justified, and it is so accepted and judged as per Disposition.

September 9, 2011


Judges Kim Sang-hoon

Judges Kim Young-young

Judges White-in-law
