본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2014.02.13 2013가합1960
운영지원금반환 등

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. Litigation costs shall be borne by the plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On June 21, 200, the Defendant is a partnership established on June 21, 200 for the purpose of a land readjustment project of 445,281 square meters in Gwangjuyang-si (hereinafter “instant project”). The Plaintiff has been engaged in technical services of the instant project from January 2004 as a corporation established for the purpose of planning, feasibility studies, design, analysis, evaluation, consultation, instruction, and all other projects under the Engineering Technology Promotion Act.

연번 송금일 송금액(원) 수취인 계좌 비고 1 2004. 3. 23. 10,000,000 D 피고의 직원 2 2004. 3. 31. 10,000,000 D 3 2004. 4. 6. 10,000,000 E 피고의 조합장인 F의 딸 4 2004. 5. 25. 5,000,000 D 5 2004. 7. 6. 6,000,000 피고 6 2004. 7. 30. 3,000,000 D 7 2004. 8. 4. 1,000,000 피고 8 2004. 8. 23. 7,000,000 피고 9 2004. 9. 2. 2,000,000 피고 10 2004. 9. 24. 7,000,000 피고 11 2004. 10. 11. 3,000,000 피고 12 2004. 10. 21. 1,000,000 피고 13 2004. 10. 29. 10,000,000 피고 14 2004. 11. 30. 8,000,000 피고 15 2004. 12. 10. 4,000,000 G 16 2004. 12. 27. 5,000,000 피고 17 2005. 1. 18. 20,000,000 E 18 2005. 2. 3. 10,000,000 피고 19 2005. 2. 18. 3,000,000 피고 20 2005. 3. 10. 2,000,000 피고 21 2005. 5. 2. 2,000,000 D 22 2005. 7. 28. 5,000,000 피고 23 2005. 8. 10. 500,000 D 24 2005. 10. 7. 3,500,000 피고 25 2005. 11. 4. 4,000,000 피고 26 2006. 2. 15. 3,000,000 H I 이장 27 2006. 9. 25. 9,000,000 E 28 2006. 10. 20. 500,000 피고 29 2006. 11. 6. 2,000,000 E 합계 156,500,000

B. On March 23, 2004, the Plaintiff deposited KRW 10 million in the name of the Defendant’s union operation expenses into the account in the name of Nonparty D designated by the Defendant, from that time to November 6, 2006, and transferred the sum of KRW 156,500,000 to the Defendant’s bank account or bank account designated by the Defendant, as shown in the following table, from that time to November 6, 2006.

(hereinafter “instant operational subsidy”). D.

On the other hand, Jeonnam-do approved the implementation of the instant project on July 27, 2009.

[Ground of recognition] A.
