본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2016.06.02 2015가합59913

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. 1) The defendant is a church established around September 20179 and belonged to the Incheon Metropolitan City Council under the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Republic of Korea. C is a person who has the status of the representative of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization

B. Around June 2010, the Defendant accepted the resignation of the members of the church, which was the members of the church, through the church conference, in order to resolve the aggravation of the church finances due to the construction of the church building and the secession of the members, etc., and to promote the merger of the church. 2) On July 25, 2010, the E society (hereinafter referred to as the “E society”) in which D was working as the members of the church (hereinafter referred to as the “E society”) held a joint association on which 43 members present at the meeting, and the E society was dissolved and the name of the church shall be the members of the members present at the meeting.

1. The merger between B and E shall begin on September 14, 2010, in the line of line between B and E;

2. The towing place is a Bridge located in Bupyeong-gu Incheon Metropolitan City.

3. The B church and the Escopian shall be merged in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for the interest of the church and the honor of son, and the two churches shall be integrated and managed in the condition as of the date of the Agreement.

4. The G building of 1,430 square meters and the building on the Dong site of Incheon Strengthening-gun was owned by D pastors or registered in title to the EG. At the same time as the sale of the said real estate, D pastors purchased the land of H, I, J, and K, which is the site for the Bridge parking lot, and the registration shall be owned by D pastors.

5. Bridges and Escopies shall respect each other the articles of incorporation, consistency, and historicality prior to the merger.
