본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대법원 1974. 1. 29. 선고 73도1854 판결
[허위공문서작성ㆍ허위공문서작성행사][집22(1)형,6;공1974.4.1.(485) 7764]
Main Issues

Subject of the crime of preparing false official documents

Summary of Judgment

The subject of the crime of preparing false official documents is a public official who is a holder of the authority to prepare the documents, and the Director of the Office of the Trial Division of the Korea Customs Service is a person who has no authority to handle the duties of judicial police officers and merely handles the duties of the assistant judicial police officers. Unless there are special circumstances that can be recognized as an indirect offender, he/she cannot become the subject of preparing false official documents.

[Reference Provisions]

Article 227 of the Criminal Act



Defense Counsel

Attorney Park Jae-il

original decision

Seoul Criminal Court Decision 72No4417 delivered on June 7, 1973


The original judgment is reversed, and the case is remanded to the Panel Division of the Seoul Criminal Court.


As to the grounds of appeal Nos. 1 and 2 by the defense counsel

원판결은 그 이유 명시에서 피고인은 관세청 인천지방심리분실 수사과 행정서기보로서 1972.2.초 순경 인천세관 출입 기자이던 공동피고인으로부터 경기 자 1-379호 윌리스 찝차에 대한 통관필증을 발급해 달라는 부탁을 받고 위 차량의 매수자인 공소외인이 위 차량을 매입한 경위를 밝히기 위하여 그를 관세법위반 피의자로 입건하여 피의자신문조서를 받음에 있어 위 공동피고인이 위 공소외인의 주민등록표와 인감을 지참하여 공소외인이 불출석인 채로 조서를 작성해 달라는 부탁을 받고 피고인은 이를 응낙한 후 행사할 목적으로 1972.2.21. 14:00경 피고인이 근무하는 위 심리분실 수사과 사무실에서 위 공소외인이 실제로는 출석하지 않았음에도 불구하고 출석하여 신문에 따라 답하는 것처럼 피의자신문조서 1통을 임의로 기재한 후 위 공동피고인은 황지윤인 것처럼 진술인란에 서명날인하고 피고인은 작성자란에 서명날인 함으로써 피고인의 직무에 관한 공문서인 피의자신문조서 1통을 허위로 작성하고 위 허위로 작성된 피의자신문조서를 위 찝차의 관세과세조치 서류에 첨부하여 사무실에 비치함으로써 이를 행사하였다는 사실을 인정하였다.

However, the subject of the crime of preparing false public documents is a public official with the authority to prepare the documents, and when the person with authority to prepare the documents makes entries contrary to the truth with the knowledge that it does not fit the truth, the crime of preparing false public documents is established. However, according to the facts recognized by the original judgment, the defendant is merely an administrative assistant and is not entitled to handle the duties of judicial police officers, and there are special circumstances such as the fact that the defendant is merely a person in charge of duties of the judicial police officers, and the indirect offender can be recognized, even if there is no need to be the subject of preparing false public documents, the original judgment which judged that the defendant prepared the false public documents without the deliberation and judgment on the above special circumstances cannot be the subject of preparing the false public documents, but the original judgment which determined that the defendant prepared the false public documents without the deliberation and judgment on the above special circumstances has not been prepared with a clear statement of reasons, or contains an error of law by misunderstanding the legal principles on preparing the false public documents, and the appeal on this point has merit

Therefore, according to Article 397 of the Criminal Procedure Act, it is decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating judges.

Justices Rin- Port (Presiding Justice)
