A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.
The evidence seized shall be confiscated from the accused.
Punishment of the crime
On March 31, 2011, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with labor for a violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, Etc. at the Busan District Court on March 31, 201, and on July 26, 201, the Busan District Court sentenced two months to imprisonment with labor for a violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc. at the Busan District Court on July 26, 201, and completed the execution of the sentence at the 1st correctional institution of the Northbukbuk Branch.
[2013 Highest 753] The Defendant is not a narcotics handler.
1. On October 21, 2013, the Defendant: (a) inserted approximately 0.03 grams of psychotropic drugs in a single-use injection machine at the office toilets of Busan B, the head of Busan, the head of which was administered by means of injection to the left blood banks; and (b) injected them with water in a single-use injection machine; and (c) injected them into the left blood banks.
2. On October 24, 2013, around 16:10 on October 24, 2013, the Defendant possessed approximately 8.43 grams of plasticphones contained in vinyl E-gu, Busan.
3. On October 24, 2013, around 18:30 on October 24, 2013, the Defendant concealed approximately 0.54g of oponphones, which were contained in two plastic rophones by dividing them into two plastic rophones, into two plastic rophones, and approximately 4.14g of 0.4g of rophones, respectively, in a single rophone, and carried approximately 4.54g of rophones.
[2014 Highest 253] The Defendant is not a narcotics handler.
On February 13, 2013, the Defendant administered approximately 0.03g of psychotropic drugs delivered by H, in G restaurant G, located in F of Busan, in a single-use injection machine, and in a way of injecting them into G restaurant, after inserting approximately 0.03g of psychotropic drugs delivered by H, into a single-use injection machine, and dilution with raw water, the Defendant administered them.
Summary of Evidence
1. Statement by the defendant in court;
1. Each prosecutor's protocol of examination of the accused;
1. Statement to the prosecution of I;
1. Statement to J police officers;
1. Written statements of D;
1. Police seizure records;
1. Requests for appraisal made by the president of the National Institute of Scientific Investigation;
1. Notification of appraisal results of narcotics prepared by the Supreme Prosecutors' Office scientific investigation officers;
1. A certificate of the result of the extraction of urines and the inspection of simple reagents;
1. Bank transactions;