본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2007.5.9.선고 2006고합871 판결

206Gohap871 homicide


A person shall be appointed.


Kim Jong-tae

Defense Counsel

Attorney 000

Imposition of Judgment

May 9, 2007


1. The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for life;

2. Two knife knife knife knife knife knifes (referred to 4.5 knifes of seizure


1. Issues;

The summary of the prosecution by the prosecutor is that the defendant murdered a person (a statutory penalty: death penalty, life imprisonment, and imprisonment with prison labor for more than five years). Accordingly, the key issue of this case is whether the defendant committed a murder like the facts charged, and where it is proved that the defendant committed a murder.

2. Criminal facts proved strictly;

A. On November 15, 2006, around 55: Around 19: 55, the Czeman car owned by the victim was stopped in the direction to the south side of the west-gu, Seoyang-gu, Seoyang-gu, 00 apartment (Attachment 1; hereinafter referred to as the “the apartment of this case”) located at the victim’s home, in the direction to the adjacent river route.

2) Around that time, an offender who was on the backside of the driver’s seat of the above body-ray passenger car was able to take the knife in the direction below the victim’s right shoulder, who was on the back side of the knife and was sitting on the back side of the knife, and continued to put the victim a knife with the back part of the knife, but the victim led to the back part of the knife.

3) On November 19, 2006, the victim opened the front door and opened on November 19, 2006: at the entrance of the apartment of this case around 59, the offender who escaped from the front door to the entrance of the apartment of this case (hereinafter referred to as '2 knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife).

4) Accordingly, on November 16, 2006: (a) the victim died from a blood relative by the Hayang-si's Hayang-si's Hayang-si's Hayang-si's Hayang-si's Mayang-si's Masan-si.

B. Recognition of the fact that the criminal is the defendant and the motive for the crime

According to the evidence of Paragraph 3, the following facts can be acknowledged. According to the above facts, the defendant murdered the victim as follows. 1) On-site approximately 7) The victim's residence is the apartment of this case. The apartment of this case consists of one unit, and the apartment of this case is located in the section 1, the river, the river, the road in the direction of the west, the road in the direction of the west. The defendant's residence is 000 Sinsan-si, Seoyang-gu, Busan, and its location is 2. The mother's residence is 000 Dori-ri and Dori, and the location of Dori is 5do. The mother's residence is 5,000 Dori-do. The mother's residence from the defendant's residence to the defendant's residence is 1,000 Dori-do, 4,000,000 Dori-do and 4,000 Dori-do, and 4,000.

2) The movement of the victim before reaching the scene of the crime;

On November 15, 2006, the victim: around 45, 2006, 16: 45, to make the phone calls to the Dongdaeyang-si's office (attached Do 4). At this point, 8 members of the above school, including A and B, were in front of the above office. At around 19:30 on the same day, 4 members, including A, were in first of the above office; 4 members, including B, were in rest of food, and the victim got in rest of 19:50. At around 19:50, the victim was in front of 2:3 minutes, and the victim was in rest of 19:0,000,000. At around 19:50, the victim was in front of 2:3 minutes, and the victim and the witness's entrance and the witness's 1:20,000,000 of the CCTV installed in the above office.

11. 15. 19: At around 10 19: 59 on the same day, the victim : 19: at around 12, 12, 15, and 19, the victim : (a) marging the victim’s face, marging the white marging system; (b) around 19: 19: 59 on the same day, the apartment security guards marging out of the guard room; (c) around 19: 19: 59 on the same day, the victim marging out of the screen room; (d) the victim marging out of the screen room; (e) the victim marging out of the screen room; and (e) the victim marging out of the entrance and marging out of the screen (e.g., the victim marging out of the screen; and (e) the victim marging out of the screen.

D. In the instant apartment No. 203, there are two large windows, small windows, and the larger windows among the main windows set forth in the instant apartment No. 203 are linked to 202. In preparation for the victim’s voice outside the instant apartment building 203, the victim’s wife E, who gets out of the above main windows, was a little number of tension sports head, and the upper limit was witnessed of a criminal who wears a color, a white sports movement, and a brightness.

E. D 2) At the apartment parking lot of this case, the victim 1 was present at the 3rd floor of the apartment of this case: 2. The victim was present at the 0th floor of the apartment of this case, 10 knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knif.

● 이 형 ◆다. " 라고 말하는 것을 들었으며, ③ 당황하고 경황이 없는 가운데 하양 삼성병원에서 아주버님인 F ( 피해자의 형 ) 에게 피해자가 한 말을 전하였고, ④ 이 사건 발생 이전에 ●은 알고 있었지만, 그 형의 이름이 ' ◇◆◇ ' 라는 점은 알지 못하였다 ( 증인 E의 법정 진술, 검 제18, 78호증 ) .

내 피해자의 형인 F은 하양삼성병원 응급실에서 제수인 E로부터 피해자가 의식을 잃기 전에 ' 이 조카 ' 가 그랬다는 말을 듣고, ●◎과 피해자를 잘 알고 지내는 A에게 전화해 이를 전하였다. F은 A으로부터 의 조카는 모두 어리니 혹시 형인 ( 피고인 ) 가 아니냐는 반문을 듣고, 피해자를 대구에 있는 파티마병원으로 옮겨서 E에게 다시 ' ●◎이 조카 ' 라고 한 것이 맞느냐고 물었는데, 이에 대하여 E는 ' 이형 ◆ ' 라고 한 것 같다고 말하였다 ( 제3회 공판조서 중 증인 F의 진술기재, 검 제100호증 ) ,

대 ①과 피해자를 가깝게 알고 지낸 A은, 2006. 11. 15. 메리츠화재사무실 ( 별지 약도 ④의 위치 ) 에서 피해자와 헤어지고 30 ~ 40분 후인 20 : 15경 F의 연락을 받아 ●이 형 조카 ' 가 피해자를 칼로 찔렀다는 이야기를 듣고, ●의 조카는 어린 아이들 밖에 없다고 말해 주었고, 그 후 파티마병원에서 E로부터 피해자가 죽기 전에 이형 ◆ ' 라는 말을 하였다는 이야기를 들었다 ( 증인 A의 법정 진술, 검 제59, 84호증 ) ,라 이 사건을 수사한 경사 G 등 ( 이하 ' 수사관 ' 이라 한다 ) 은 2006. 11. 15. 이 사건 아파트 범행 현장에 운집한 아파트 주민들을 상대로 탐문한 바 피해자의 처인 E가 피해자를 부둥켜 안았을 때 피해자는 범인이 " 이 형 ◆◇ " 라고 지칭하였다는 언동에 따라 그 즉시 ' ' 의 인적사항, 주거지, 자동차 소유 여부 등을 파악한 후 피고인의 주거지로 이동하였다 ( 검 제2호증 ) .

5 ) 피고인의 소지품에서 발견된 피해자의 혈흔과 피고인 소유의 소 발골용 칼개 수사관은 2006. 11. 15. 20 : 30경 범행현장인 이 사건 아파트로 출동하여, 피해자 소유의 자동차와 범행현장 주변의 혈흔 등 증거물을 수집하고, 목격자인 C 등의 진술을 청취한 다음. 22 : 00경 CCTV에 촬영 · 녹화된 영상을 확인 하였는데, 이때 A이 사건 현장으로 와 CCTV를 같이 보면서 피해자의 처인 E가 피해자가 의식을 잃기 전에 ' 스◎ 이 조카 ' 라고 말하였다고 하면서, ○●◎의 조카는 모두 어리고, ○●◎의 형인 피고인이 CCTV에 찍힌 범인과 체형이 비슷하다고 진술함에 따라, 피고인의 인상착의를 확인하기 위해 범행 현장에서 북쪽으로 약 650m 떨어진 경산시 하양읍 동서리 565 - 21에 있는 피고인의 집 ( 별지 약도 ②의 위치 ) 으로 찾아갔다 . ( H ) 수사관은 2006. 11. 15. 22 : 00 내지 23 : 00경 피고인이 세들어 살고 있는 위 주거지 양옥 2층에서 피고인을 상대로 사건 발생 전후의 행적과 착의, 신발 등을 확인한 후, 피고인에게 주거지 내 세면대에 놓여 있는 청바지와 흰색 운동화를 임의 제출해 줄 것을 요청하였고, 이에 대하여 피고인이 청바지는 흔쾌히 제출하였으나, 흰색 운동화에 대해서는 내일 신을 신발이 없다면서 난색을 표하였다. 이에 옆에 있던 피고인의 처 H이 죄가 없으면 주라고 하니 피고인은 흰색 운동화를 수사관에게 제출하였다. 또한 수사관은 피고인의 집에서 약 13m 떨어진 골목길에 피고인 소유의 은회색 쏘나타 ㅍ 승용차가 주차되어 있는 것을 보고, 손전등을 이용하여 승용차 외부를 관찰한 결과 , 운전석 바깥쪽 손잡이와 그 주변 부위에 혈흔이 묻어 있는 것을 발견하고 피고인의 동의 아래 위 혈흔을 채취하였다 .

1. On November 16, 2006, an investigator issued a warrant of search and seizure verification on the search and seizure, and searched the said rocketing car owned by the Defendant on November 17, 2006, the investigator found the bloods of the lower part of the left side door and the inside part of the inside driver's seat of the vehicle, driver's seat, and object box (erobrove box, glve box) in the vehicle.

D. As a result of the genetic appraisal of the Defendant’s white flagization and the Defendant’s flagrance of the door flag, North 41 U.S., 9647, which was owned by the Defendant, the outer finger of the door flag and the inner flag of the car was proved to have been the victim. Moreover, the Defendant’s white lagrance was identified to have been the victim as well as the blood lag of the victim. In addition, the Defendant’s blood lag was caught not only by the Defendant’s blood lag, but also by the investigative agency and the court (the Defendant was carrying the door of the car without locking, but also by stating that there was no borrowing or

On the other hand, under investigation by the police, it is difficult to separate the bones(s) of the Defendant from the upper knives of the upper knives and the upper knives and the upper knives and the upper knives and the upper knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and the lower knives and kives and the lower knives and the lower kives and knives and the lower kives and the lower kives and the lower kives and kives and the lower kives and the lower kives and the lower kives and the lower knives and 2000 cm.

F. The Defendant is engaged in the influoral softing operations and put three knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife.

6) The relationship between the victim and the defendant

피고인은 2남 4녀 중 장남으로 ●◎의 형이다. 피고인에게는 삼촌 2명과 고모 1명이 있으며, 큰 삼촌은 피고인이 어릴 적에 이혼하여 그 처가 자식을 키웠고, 작은 삼촌은 아들 1명, 딸 2명, 고모는 아들 1명, 딸 1명을 두었고, 경산시 하양읍에는 작은 삼촌의 딸이 살고 있다 .

( 나 ) 2XXX년, 2XXX년에 피해자가 하양청년회 회장을 하고 이 그 사무국장을하여 같이 활동하는 등으로 ○●◎과 피해자가 알고 지낸 지는 약 13년이 되었다 . 대 ⑩은 2XXX년 경산시의원 보궐선거에서 경산시의원으로 당선되어 활동을 하였고, 2006. 5. 31. 실시한 지방선거에 피해자와 같이 하양, 진량, 와촌 ' 다 ' 선거구 시의원 후보로 출마하였다. 당시 피해자는 00당 공천을 받았고, ○●◎은 무소속으로 출마하였는데, 피해자를 포함한 00당 후보 4명이 경산시의원으로 당선되었다. ●은 당선된 피해자의 뒤를 이어 5위를 했으나 피해자와 근소한 표 차이로 낙선하였다 .

On May 31, 2006, the defendant had been engaged in an election campaign in the position of the secretary general at the election of the Gyeongsan-si Council member.

D. The injured party 2 years prior to the Defendant’s elementary school, the Defendant’s name was flicked and flicked, the injured party’s name was flicked, and the Defendant’s house was about 3 to 5 minutes from the Defendant’s house to the victim’s house. (vi) The injured party flicked with his mother from July 24, 2006 to the wife living in Daegu, Seoyang-gu, Seoyang-gu, Busan, about 000, while looking together with his mother from July 24, 2006, and did not look at the following election or special election, and promoted the extension of the subway between Daegu and Seoyang, or the actual contents of the proposal elected as a director of the National Assembly of Busan, the above proposal was flicked on October 24, 2006 to the 16th National Assembly scholarship.

On October 206, 2006, the victims were shot F or A with a good sound for the victim, and the victim was aware of the concern. In particular, on the issue of establishing a scholarship association at the Hansan City on the Hansan City on which October 2006, the first proposal for the appointment of one of the directors of the above scholarship association was presented, which was the result of the suspension of appraisal, was the one led by the victim, and it was not good for the victim to display appraisal.

7) Sub-decisions

비록, 수사기관에서 압수한 피고인 소유의 소 발골용 칼 2개와 피고인의 청바지 등 의류에서 피해자의 혈흔이 검출되지 않았고, 그 외에 수사기관이 범행에 사용된 도구와 당시 입고 있었던 의류 등을 찾아내지는 못하였으며, 112에 신고된 내용에 따르면 범인은 ' 엘란트라 ' 로 추정되는 승용차를 타고 도주하였다는 것이나, ① 범행현장이 활영 · 녹화된 CCTV의 영상에 따르면, 범인의 체격이 피고인과 유사하고 당시 범인은 흰색 운동화를 신고 있었는데, 피고인 소유의 흰색 운동화에서 피해자의 혈흔이 발견된 점, ② 범인이 도주에 사용한 승용차의 색상은 회색계통인데, 피고인 소유의 쏘나타Ⅱ 승용차의 색상도 은회색으로 그 색깔이 유사하고 ( 112 신고내용과 차종이 일치하지 않기는 하지만, 위 신고내용에 의하더라도 그 차종은 추정에 의한 것이다 ), 또한 피고인의 위 승용차에서 피해자의 혈흔이 다수 발견된 점, ③ 피해자가 의식을 잃기 전에 누가 그랬냐는 피해자의 처 E의 물음에 대해, ' 이 형 ◆◇ ' 라고 2차례 답한 점, ④ 피고인의 처 H은 피고인이 평소 소 발골용 칼로 긴 칼 1개와 짧은 칼 2개를 가지고 다녔다고 진술하는데, 혈흔반응이 나타난 피고인의 칼은 긴 칼 1개 ( 칼날길이 15cm ) 과짧은 칼 1개 ( 칼날길이 12cm ) 이고, 트렁크에서 찾아낸 피고인의 칼은 칼날길이가 15cm로서 긴 칼에 속하고 혈흔반응이 나타나지 않아 H이 말한 3개의 칼 중 나머지 짧은 칼 1개라고 볼 수 없어, 피고인이 평소 가지고 다니던 나머지 짧은 칼 1개를 찾을 수 없고, 피고인이 소지하고 있던 소 발골용 짧은 칼 1개의 칼날길이가 12cm, 넓이가

2. 5cm로서 이 사건 범행에 사용된 칼의 추정 형태와 유사한 점, ⑤ 피고인의 동생과 피해자가 2006. 5. 31. 경산시의원 선거에서 경합을 이루었고, 피고인이 위 선거에서 동생인 ②의 사무국장으로 활동하였는데, ●◎은 낙선하고 피해자는 당선하였으며, 그 이후 이 하양지역에서 적극적인 활동을 펼쳤으나 경산 장학회 선임이사에 임명되지 못하였고, 피해자가 ● 이 그와 관련하여 피해자에 대해 싫은 소리를 하고 다닌다고 하면서 주변 사람들에게 고민을 털어 놓은 점 등을 종합하여 보면, 피고인이 공소사실 기재와 같이 ' 보궐선거로 당선되어 경산시 시의원으로 재직하였던 동생 ①이 2006. 5. 31. 실시된 제4회 전국동시지방선거에서 경산시 시의원으로 입후보하자 동생의 선거사무장으로 활발히 선거운동을 하였으나 동생이 그 선배인 피해자에게 근소한 표 차이로 져서 낙선하게 되어 피해자에 대하여 좋지 않은 감정을 가지고 있던 중, 동생이 낙선한 이후에 대구에 사는 처와 떨어져 경산시 하양읍에 홀로 사는 어머니 집에 거주하면서 차기 시의원 당선을 위하여 활발히 활동하는 등으로 경산시 장학회 선임직 이사로 추천되는 등 성과를 이루었으나 그 선임 결정이 보류되는 등 어려움을 겪으면서 그 원인을 피해자 탓으로 돌리며 괴로워하는 모습을 보고는, 피고인이 피해자를 살해하면 동생이 보궐선거를 통하여 시의원으로 당선되고 자신은 피해자와 아무런 이해관계가 없으며 피해자 집인 이 사건 아파트 203호와 피고인의 집은 650m 정도밖에 떨어져 있지 않아 피해자를 살해한 후 곧바로 피고인 집으로 돌아오면 알리바이도 성립되어 수사기관으로부터 혐의를 벗어날 수 있을 것이라는 생각에 이르러 피해자를 살해하기로 마음먹고 ', 위 ' 2의 가항 기재와 같이 피해자를 살해하였다고 봄이 상당하다. 그리고 피고인의 살해 행위가 증명된 이상 피고인의 살인 동기를 위와 같이 추정할 수 밖에 없으며, 이와 다른 사정이 있는 경우 피고인이 이를 인정할 수 있는 반증을 제출해야 하나, 특별한 반증이 없다 ( 피고인이 근무하던 00금속 회사에서 하루 종일 화학약품 냄새에 시달리다가 머리가 아프고 어지럽기도 하여 우발적으로 피고인이 이 사건 범행에 이르렀을 가능성도 있으나, 이러한 가능성을 인정할 증거가 없다. ) .

C. Determination of the Defendant and his defense counsel’s assertion

1) The defendant and his defense counsel's assertion

The defendant and his defense counsel asserted that the defendant did not commit the crime of this case since he had his family at his residence around the time of the crime of this case, and thus, the defendant did not commit the crime of this case).

According to the evidence in paragraph (3), each of the following facts can be acknowledged, and the defendant appeared as follows: ① on November 15, 2006, the defendant returned home at around 18:40 on 30 on 15:30 on 206; ② The defendant went home at around 19:20 on 19:20 on 27:27 on 20, and 20:32 on 32 on 19:3 on 19:3 on 15:45 on 20, on 19:0 on 19:3 on 20, on 200, on 200:

In light of the fact that he stated that he was unable to see the series of 19 years that he started from 20: 25 to 19 years, the above argument by the defendant is not accepted, since it is difficult to view that the defendant was in the dwelling of the defendant at around 0:0 on November 15, 2006. (A) At around 18:0 on November 15, 2006, the defendant left the dwelling as Gaooo, and went back to the house of the Sinsan-Eup, the mother of the defendant was living, and he returned to the house of the defendant at around 18:30.

(H) On November 15, 2006, I, from around 18: 10 to around 10, 2006, opened a door on the north side of the entrance of the Defendant’s house and set up 000 and 000. Of that Do, at around 18:40, the voice of the Defendant’s home and the Defendant’s wife, who moved to her ship to her ship to her ship to her ship to her ship to her port, and entered Ha, who is the Defendant’s wife, entered her house. “I parked and her house.” After that, the Defendant got her house to her house from around 19:0, he did not hear any sound that the Defendant had come to her house by around 19:0 (No. 47, 109 evidence).

On November 15, 2006, J 1, 2006: around 19:20, called the Defendant’s Handphone, but called the Defendant, and found the Defendant, using the phone by a non-Defendant, and “Crick?” He saw, “I am out of the opening,” and “I am out of the opening. I am out of the opening. I am off the phone if I am informed of this, I am off the phone, and again called the Defendant’s cell phone at about 19:27, and I am back, “Crick??” “I am still inside the phone?” “I am out of the 15th day from the Arick Construction,” and “I am out of the 17th day from the frick, 6th day from the frick, 6th day from the 6th day before the 6th day after the 6th day after the 6th day after the 60th day after the 6th day.

D. A: The victim 5 knife a knife, and the victim 1 knife a knife 2: 0 knife 2: 5 knife knife 6 knife knife 2: 1 knife knife knife 2: 1 knife knife knife knife knife 6: 1 knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knif knife knife knif knif knif knif knif knif knif knif knif k.

In addition, the Defendant and his defense counsel asserted that 000, which was not adopted as a witness on the premise of the mother’s legal testimony of H, did not wish to give testimony on the premise of the testimony, and on the ground that he is incompetent to take an oath, is accurately memory of the Defendant’s house time, meal time, etc. However, as long as the facts constituting a crime are objectively proven by a physical evidence, not a person’s speech, and unless there is any circumstantial evidence to the extent that such physical evidence can be suspected of either artificial manipulation or damage by the human practice or by natural activity, the testimony shall be rejected in light of the above physical evidence, even if 00 witness testified at court.

The office where the P victim works is adjacent to the residence of the defendant, and the mother of the defendant is living in the Do. In addition, when the defendant performs a campaign due to rainfall, the office where the victim works may be seen.

3. Summary of evidence of admissibility and probative value;

- Each statement of witness F, G, 00 in the third trial records

- Witnesses E and A’s respective legal statements

- Part of the witness H’s legal statement

- Each statement of the court evidence Nos. 5, 18, 19, 46, 47.59, 69, and 70 (each statement made to J, c, E, D, H, I, A. - C. - Each statement made to J, respectively);

- Each statement of evidence of 78, 79, 84, 85, 86, 87, 97, 100, 103, G, 107, 110, 128 (each statement of prosecutor with respect to H, E, C, G, G, 100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 300)

- Evidence 1, 9 (Report on Situation), evidence 2 (Evidence 1), evidence 3.7.30, 32, 35, 52 (Evidence 4, 8, 31.33, 36, 53 (Evidence 33, 36, 10, 11, 28, 29, 38, 41, 54, 56, 62, 73, 109, 15 (Evidence 4), 20, 15 (Evidence 1), 30, 23, 24, 37, 47, 47, 47, 37, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 60, 60, 62, 630, 109, 15, 236, 47, 37, 47, and 47, respectively.

4. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes on criminal facts;

- Relevant legal provisions for facts constituting an offense and choice of punishment

Article 250(1) of the Criminal Act; Selection of life style

§ 40

Article 48 (1) 1 of the Criminal Act

5. In addition to the grounds for sentencing, such as the facts of sentencing, the age, occupation, character and conduct, intelligence and environment of the defendant as shown in the pleadings, the relationship with the victim, the motive, means and consequence of the crime, and the circumstances after the crime, a life imprisonment sentence shall be selected by comprehensively taking the following into account:

1 ) 피고인의 이 사건 범행으로 인하여 피해자가 생명을 잃는 참담한 결과가 발생하였고, 유족들에게 평생 치유될 수 없는 엄청난 고통을 안겨 주었다 . 2 ) 피고인은 제2항 기재와 같이 자신의 동생 ● 이 피해자와 경합하여 경산시의원에 낙선하였고, 피해자가 ○●◎의 정치적 활동에 걸림돌이 된다는 생각을 가지고, 범행도구인 칼과 도주할 자동차를 미리 준비하여 계획적이고 치밀하게 이 사건 범행에 이르렀는바, 피고인 동생의 정치적 이익과 사회적 활동을 지원하기 위해 사람을 살해하였다는 점에서 위와 같이 추정된 피고인의 범행 동기에 참작할 점이 전혀 없으며 , 나아가 피고인의 범행 동기에 달리 참작할 만한 요소가 있음을 인정할 수 있는 아무런 증거도 없다 .

3) The Defendant: (a) laid the victim in a passenger car of the victim with a knife; and (b) murdered the victim in the instant apartment zone by a knife with a knife; and (c) the recovery of the knife with a knife has knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife,

4) In addition, the Defendant has an interview with the method of committing the crime, such as killing the victim by driving away the victim at the entrance of the apartment house, which is an apartment of ordinary citizens.

5) The Defendant concealed the knives used in committing the instant crime and the clothes, etc. incurred at the time of committing the instant crime, but instead concealed the knives and gratives not used for committing the instant crime, and found and paid by the investigator. The Defendant showed a knives for getting out of the knives of investigation, and there is no color to accept the commission of the instant crime or to repent the knives thereof until now.

6) The Defendant did not receive any written evidence from the bereaved family members of the victim.

7) The Defendant was sentenced to a violation of the Automobile Transport Business Act in 1993, and there was no other previous conviction except a violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents in 193 (Evidence No. 75).

6. Conclusion

Therefore, it is decided as per the disposition in order to sentence the defendant guilty.


Judges leap-gu - - Judges -

Judges Jeong Jae-min et al.

Judges Lee Dong-hwan - - -
