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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 속초지원 2015.04.09 2014고합40

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for seven years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Punishment of the crime

From around 01:30 on December 3, 2014, the Defendant was hospitalized at the D Hospital 616 located at the Seocho-si Office due to a traffic accident, at the front space of the 5th floor emergency stairs of the Seocho-si Ethy Building, the Defendant was drinking together with G who was hospitalized in the same sick room as the Defendant, G who was hospitalized in the same hospital 712, and the victim H (V, 16 years of age) who was the seat of the said G.

While the Defendant and the above behaviors were under drinking alcohol, they returned to the hospital after receiving a call from a person in charge of the above hospital, and returned to the hospital, and thus, the Defendant, F, and the victim returned to the place above the vehicle back to the hospital. In the process, the above F returned to the hospital first, and the Defendant and the victim were left at the hospital, and the Defendant was able to rape the victim by taking advantage of these circumstances.

The defendant around 04:30 on the same day, around the fiveth floor emergency stairs in the above E building, the defendant was able to find out the fastener that the victim was living together with the victim, and the victim said, "I am", the victim was faced with the victim's head on the floor by pushing the victim, leading the victim, getting on the elevator of the fiveth floor in the above E building, getting the victim into the first floor, getting the victim into the first floor, and then getting the victim into the first floor emergency stairs.

On the other hand, the defendant continued to remove the patient's clothes when the victim was suffering from the victim, and caused the victim to fall off all of the additional parts by removing the patient's clothes in two hands, and the victim resisted and pushed off the part of the defendant's sexual flag from the building of the above E-building through the entrance of the first floor, and went out of the above E-building, and the defendant who was driving away from the building of the above E-building, was the victim who was suffering from the victim, was able to take away the patient's clothes, and knife the victim's hair that was knife the victim's hair that was in front of the above emergency room, and continuously knife the victim's hair that was in front of the above emergency room.
