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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2018.10.17 2017구단589
상이등급구분 재심 신체검사 무변동처분 취

1. On April 13, 2017, the Defendant’s notice of the result of the physical examination on the classification of disability grades issued to the Plaintiff is revoked.


1. Facts constituting the basis for no dispute between the parties;

가. 원고의 2015. 12. 29.자 ‘고엽제 후유증 환자 등록신청’에 대하여, 피고는 2016. 10. 13. 원고에게 -별지(☞ 갑 1)에 나오는 바와 같이- <고엽제 검진 및 신체검사 결과 통지>를 하였다.

나. 원고는 2016. 10. 18. 위 처분 중 상이등급 판정 부분(☞ 7급 5111호)에 불복하여 피고에게 ‘재심 신체검사신청’을 하였고, 이에 대하여 피고는 2017. 4. 13. 원고에게 “금번 광주보훈병원에서 실시한 신체검사 및 보훈심사위원회 심의의결 결과 인정받은 ‘허혈성 심장질환, 당뇨병’은 종전 등급(7급 5111호)과 변동 없음”이라는 처분사유를 들어 <상이등급 구분 재심 신체검사 결과 통지>(이하 편의상 ‘이 사건 처분’이라고 한다)를 하였다.

2. Judgment on the issue

A. The defendant asserted that the disposition of this case, which judged the plaintiff as "a person who continuously requires pharmacologic treatment due to symptoms of culposis which have been caused by culposisal diseases as a result of a re-examination conducted by the plaintiff pursuant to the relevant Acts and subordinate statutes which had been enforced around the day of the re-examination of the plaintiff, is legitimate." The plaintiff asserted that the plaintiff's claim of this case was legitimate, and at least around that time, the plaintiff was the cause of the claim of this case "at least 70% of culposiss other than sulpulpulpule and sulpulpulpulposis, and the result of the re-examination of functions constituted "a person who has a cardio-fulpulpous transfusion (Class 6 (2) 5108)" (Article 6 (2) 2).

B. If the results of the physical examination commissioned to the B Hospital Head of this Court and the purport of the entire pleadings are added, the Plaintiff is “a person whose labor ability has been lost by an average of 1/3 or more due to a disability, such as chest long-term, etc.” at the time of the re-examination, and the Plaintiff is a result of the examination conducted on the crypary cryp surgery.
