본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2015.11.26 2014가합14345

1. Defendant E shall pay Plaintiff A KRW 257,30,00, KRW 242,030,00 to Plaintiff B, KRW 32,413,512 to Plaintiff C, and KRW 24.


1. Basic facts

A. Defendant E’s fraud 1 against Plaintiff A was introduced on January 9, 2014 to the Plaintiff that he/she became aware of through Defendant G as “H”, and Defendant E conspiredd with the Plaintiff that formed a consortium with respect to the electricity, network construction, supply and installation of computer devices, etc. of the Korea Electric Power Naol, thereby inducing the Plaintiff to work together. Defendant E received a total of KRW 46 million from Plaintiff A on January 20, 2014. Defendant E was paid KRW 46 million from the Plaintiff. Defendant E was paid KRW 20,000,000 to the Plaintiff on January 20, 2014. Defendant E was paid KRW 60,000,000 to the Plaintiff, who was employed by the vice president of LG chemical, by the chief of the Non-west Office as production worker in the LG chemical Corporation, and was paid KRW 30,000,000 from Plaintiff 1 to April 15, 2014.

3) On February 10, 2014, Defendant E received KRW 37,000,000 from Plaintiff A to March 25, 2014, on the ground that he/she was asked by Plaintiff A to arrange employment of Plaintiff C, who is the same book, and was paid KRW 37,00,000,00 in total as the job placement title from February 10, 2014 to March 25, 2014. Defendant E received from Plaintiff A for employment placement title. Defendant E, on February 24, 2014, concluded that he/she may appoint Plaintiff A as a senior teacher upon request by Plaintiff A for employment placement title, and would be granted KRW 108,00,000 in total as the job placement title from February 25, 2014 to September 16, 2014.

5) Defendant E, without any intention or ability to pay money on April 22, 2014, concluded that he/she would lend KRW 20 million to Plaintiff A with the following share, and was paid KRW 32,00,000 from April 22, 2014 to July 18, 2014 by the Plaintiff. (b) Defendant E’s fraud 1 against Plaintiff E. Defendant E was false to the effect that Defendant E may follow the cafeteria restaurant contract with the Plaintiff he/she became aware of through Plaintiff A on May 8, 2014, and that he/she may follow the cafeteria restaurant contract from Plaintiff B on May 8, 2014.

5.9. A total of KRW 30 million was received.

2 Defendant E has no intention or ability to purchase imported vehicles on May 16, 2014.
