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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.07.06 2016고단2924

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal history] On June 8, 2012, the Defendant was sentenced to a fine of 1.5 million won for a crime of violating the Road Traffic Act (drinking driving) at the Seoul Southern District Court (Seoul Southern District Court). On October 4, 2012, the Defendant was issued a summary order that imposes a fine of 4 million won for a crime of violating the Road Traffic Act (drinking driving) in the support for the development of the Suwon Friwon method.

[Criminal facts]

1. 도로 교통법위반( 음주 운전), 도로 교통법위반( 무면허 운전) 피고인은 자동차 운전면허 없이 혈 중 알코올 농도 0.176% 의 술에 취한 상태에서 2016. 1. 12. 05:25 경 서울 서초구 서초동에 있는 뱅뱅 사거리 부근 도로에서부터 서울 강남구 C 앞 도로에 이르기까지 약 3km 구간에서 D 쏘나타 승용차를 운전하였다.

2. The Defendant violated the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Death or Injury caused before the risk) was driving a rocketing car at the time specified in paragraph 1, and led to the turn to the left from the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government front of the road to the active duty seat at the south of the Gangnam-gu.

Since there is an intersection where a signal, etc. is installed, the defendant who drives a motor vehicle had a duty of care to safely drive the motor vehicle in accordance with the signals by reducing speed and checking well the right and the right of the motor vehicle.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected this and went to the left due to the negligence of failing to go to the left while making it difficult to drive the vehicle normally due to the influence of alcohol, and caused the injury of the victim, such as dump dump, tensions and tensions, etc., which require approximately two weeks of treatment on the left side of the F Eth Ethp vehicle driven by the victim E(50 e.g., the Defendant 50).

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Statement made by the police for E;

1. A traffic accident report;

1. A report on the record of drinking alcohol measurement, a report on the situation of the driver involved in driving, and a report on the detection of the driver involved in driving;
