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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 평택지원 2017.06.27 2016고정722

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 3,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

1. On August 2015, the Defendants jointly committed the crime with B (Defendant, C), upon receiving a proposal to the effect that there was a defect in the sexual traffic brokerage business from B, which was known through the “D”, which is the Australia’s job site, and subsequently, the Defendants conspired to recruit and manage the women engaging in the sexual traffic as a total responsibility, and to prepare the place of sexual traffic, etc., of establishing the place of sexual traffic. The Defendants recruited sexual purchase by using the mobile phone fluoring “E”, and then recruited sexual purchase by setting the time and place where the sexual traffic is possible, to inform the sexual male purchase and the female sexual traffic.

Accordingly, from the end of August 2015 to the end of October of the same year, the Defendants arranged commercial sex acts over the average of 5 to 6 times a day by receiving USD 250-300 per hour from gender-purchasings who are not able to know their names recruited through “E” after employing the three apartment complexes of “F” located in Australia New Swez from the end of August 2015 to the end of October of the same year.

Ultimately, the Defendants conspired with the above B to arrange commercial sex acts.

2. On October 2015, the Defendants’ joint crime, along with the aforementioned B, accepted a proposal to the effect that they would request the male purchase of sexual traffic from G, a female sexual traffic business operator who became aware of at the time of engaging in the sexual traffic brokerage business, and subsequently, the Defendants conspired to arrange sexual traffic by using mobile phone display case “E” to recruit male sexual traffic and to have sexual intercourse with the said G.

Accordingly, from the end of November 2015 to the end of December of the same year, the Defendants arranged commercial sex acts over an average of three to four times a day, including: (a) the Defendant received USD 300-350 per hour from male members recruited through the “E” in subparagraph 1103 of Australia New Zealand J apartment 11103; and (b) sexual intercourses with the above G.

Ultimately, the Defendants are the defendants.
