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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.09.22 2016고단3098

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 4,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant also is a person who is engaged in driving of a cargo vehicle.

On June 24, 2016, the Defendant, located in Daegu Suwon-gu D on 08:46 around 24, 2016, proceeded along the four-lane road in front of the filling station, from the direction of the MBC four-lane to the same stop.

At the time, the surface was milched, and there was a center line of yellow solid lines installed. In such a case, a person engaged in driving service has a duty of care to prevent accidents by operating the car with complying with the direction and mechanism of the vehicle while reducing speed and accurately operating the steering direction and mechanism of the vehicle by accurately manipulating the steering direction and mechanism of the vehicle.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to operate the brakes and steering gear in a broom due to negligence that did not accurately operate the brakes and steering gear, and turned out the front part of the victim F (V, 46 years old)'s G rocketing car in the direction of the Defendant's proceeding in one lane above the center line, and turned out the front part of the above cargo vehicle. As the victim H(34 years old), the Defendant was driving of the victim H(34 years old), which was waiting in the signal at the two-lane, led the front part of the above victim's H(34 years old), followed by the shock of the above victim F's rocketing car and the signal at the rear part, followed by the signal at the rear part, and led the victim's order to take the front part of the K rocketing or other car at the rear part, and followed the victim's order to get the victim's J or other car to be driven in the front part of the traffic (the victim's order to stop).

In conclusion, the Defendant: (a) by negligence on duty as seen above, inflicted an injury on the victim F, such as scambling, etc. of a sckeheadheading wall that requires approximately 4 weeks of treatment; (b) an injury on the scopical base that requires approximately 2 weeks of treatment to the victim H; (c) an injury on the scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scops
