본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.10.16 2019가합40619

1. It is confirmed that there is no obligation of Plaintiff B to contribute as shown in the separate sheet between the Plaintiffs and the Defendant.


(b) the facts of the basis;

A. Plaintiff B is an associate, and Plaintiff A (hereinafter “Plaintiff A”) is an exclusive management company to which Plaintiff B belongs, and the Defendant is the company running the drama production business.

B. On August 16, 2017, the Defendant (hereinafter “D”), in order to produce the 16 parts of D’s 16 parts of D’ (hereinafter “the instant drama”), excluded Plaintiff B from the Plaintiff’s main distribution, and entered into a contribution contract with the Plaintiffs on August 16, 2017 as follows:

(hereinafter “instant contribution agreement”). Article 1 (Contribution Agreement)

1. The Plaintiff A’s postponed owner agreed to contribute to the instant drama produced by the Defendant to the main E (F, G, and H) station in the instant drama, and to cooperate with the Defendant in good faith in the production of the said drama.

d'D'(A) d'(A) d'(2) d'(A) / D' 1 d' d' / extreme supervision / K n' d' d' d' 70 minutes of the broadcast frequency of May (Scheduled) 2018 - d' 16 times of the broadcast (Scheduled)

1. The date of commencement of Plaintiff B’s shooting of the instant drama shall be the date scheduled in November 2017, and the scheduled date of completion of shooting shall be March 15, 2018.

단, 배우 및 주요스텝의 사망 또는 질병, 화재 또는 촬영자료의 분실, 기타 천재지변, 전쟁, 파업, 제3자와의 법률적 분쟁 등 불가항력적인 사유로 인하여 이 사건 드라마의 제작이 지연되거나 중단되는 경우에는 피고와 원고들이 협의하여 촬영 종료일을 조정할 수 있다.

2. The plaintiff B must give priority to the contributions of the instant drama in accordance with the defendant's production schedule to the plaintiff B's other works (drae, motion picture), and if the plaintiff B wishes to make a contribution to the production of another television broadcast program that overlaps with the contribution schedule, it must consult with the defendant in advance.

Article 3 (Contribution) The defendant shall pay the plaintiff B the contribution fee under this Agreement to the plaintiff B in cash as follows, in accordance with the defendant's provision on the payment of the plaintiff B's drama production cost:

The contribution fee per association.
