본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.04.23 2012가합538285

1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. A. Around August 3, 2011, the relevant networkF (GG students; hereinafter “the deceased”) of the Parties is a person who died on September 17, 201 after receiving biode control and crode from the Human University Mangsan Hospital operated by the Defendant (hereinafter “Defendant Hospital”) and died on September 17, 201.


A The deceased’s spouse, Plaintiff B, C, D, and E are children of the deceased.

B. 1) From around 2008, the Deceased was hospitalized in the Defendant hospital due to luminous diseases, such as luminous infection, and received treatment. 2) On May 9, 201, the Deceased hospitalized in the Defendant hospital due to urine and urine therapy, etc., and conducted organizational tests and urgical urgical surgery.

3) The medical professionals at Defendant Hospital performed the treatment from May 9, 201 to July 29, 201, which could preserve the deceased’s mine area, such as medication and radic treatment, but continuously observe cancer cells. 4) Accordingly, the medical professionals at Defendant Hospital recommended the deceased to perform an operation to recover the mine area.

On July 31, 2011, the Deceased was hospitalized at the Defendant Hospital; and around 08:00 on August 3, 201, the Deceased was hospitalized at the Defendant Hospital (hereinafter “instant surgery”).

The Deceased completed the instant surgery, and entered a patient room at around 16:50 on the same day.

C. After the instant surgery, the Deceased started blood transfusion through an influence after having been loaded in a middle-patient’s room. Accordingly, the medical personnel at the Defendant Hospital conducted breathesis and the blood transfusion to the Deceased. (2) The medical personnel at the Defendant Hospital continued to perform breathesis and the blood transfusion to the Deceased on August 4, 201, on the part of the Deceased, around 13:00, and around 01:0, on August 5, 201, the Defendant Hospital removed the blood transfusion and carried out an influence surgery to the Deceased on the part of the Deceased, respectively.

In addition, in order to prevent mergers caused by continuous blood transfusions, blood speculation and antibiotics treatment began from around that time.

3. Defendant Hospital.
