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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2015.01.30 2014고단1474


A 4 years of imprisonment, Defendant B 1 and 6 months of imprisonment, Defendant C 3 years of imprisonment, Defendant D and E.


Criminal facts

[Public Offering Relations] K organized a telephone financial fraud group in China, and provided multiple unspecified persons with personal information to be subject to the scaming crime, and provided call center managers with the Internet telephone line of the call center office used for the crime, and provided the call center managers with equipment such as the telephone number operating device, representative number connecting device, etc. to operate and manage the organization as a whole.

L served as the manager of the call center “M team” by deceiving the victims by walking the phone at the top 4 level of president of the telephone financial fraud group, and N served as the manager of the call center “O team” in the top 8 column of the head of the group, and each of the team members of the call center provided telephone, etc. while soliciting and managing the team members, and deceiving the team members to a large number of unspecified victims in the Republic of Korea.


A as a manager of the call center's "P Team", provided telephone, etc. while recruiting and managing the team members, allocated the victims' personal information and the account number to receive money from the victims to be used for the crime to the team members after being transferred from K by the general manager of the telephone financial fraud group, and had the team members deceive many and unspecified victims in Korea by sending a phone to the general manager of the telephone financial fraud group.


B, D, E, F, G, and H as team members of the above M Team, Defendant C, as the above “O Team, was in charge of deceiving each of the unspecified victims in the Republic of Korea.

According to the above division of roles, the Defendants, along with the team members in the name of the Defendants, assumes the staff of financial institutions, such as Hyundai Capital, by posting a phone to many and unspecified victims in Korea.
