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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2011.03.25 2011고단527

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

On February 1, 2006, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment of one year and six months with prison labor for habitual fraud at the Suwon District Court on February 1, 2006, and was released on November 30, 2006 during the execution of the sentence in a female prison, and the parole period passed on February 18, 2007.

On December 31, 2010, the Defendant conspired to borrow money by lending cash to the owner of the business for 3 and 4 days as if he/she had a large amount of money business by coloring G, name-free boxes (Suspension of Prosecution on the same day), V (Non-Detention Trial on the same day), and restaurant (hereinafter “Defendant, G, name-free boxes, and V”) and the restaurant, with a view to receiving money by means of escapeing from the place where the crime was committed.


From January 18, 2010 to the 20th of the same month, the victim WW and X-gu Y used the name of each president and the head of each department in the Daegu Dong-gu Y, Y of the same month, and the victim shall pay 10,000 won for the principal and 1 million won per 1 million won when he/she returned to the victims when he/she only lends cash because he/she has been in possession of the check.In other words, he/she borrowed 26 million won in total from the victims, and borrowed 16,000 won in total from the victims, and made the victims trust the defendant, etc. by paying 26,260,000 won including interest on the principal.


On January 21, 2010, etc. concluded that “When you re-enter the victims with the money, they would make payment by calculating the principal and 10,000 won per 1 million won per the interest after her friendship when they lend the money to the victims.”

In fact, the defendant et al. was a plan to escape money from the victims by attracting victims out of the restaurant while taking money from the victims.


As above, the victims deceiving the victims and received KRW 20 million from the victim W and KRW 35 million from the victim X respectively as the borrowed money.

This is that the defendant is G, nameless, and not.
