본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014. 10. 2. 선고 2014노2333 판결


Appellant. An appellant



Anal-dong (prosecution), Park Jong-ju (Public trial)

Defense Counsel

Attorney Park Ho-hoon

Judgment of the lower court

Seoul Central District Court Decision 2013Da5167 Decided June 12, 2014


The judgment of the court below is reversed.

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

According to the evidence submitted by the prosecutor, although the court below found the defendant guilty of selling drugs in collusion with Nonindicted Co. 1 Co. 2 without obtaining permission from the competent authority, the court below erred by misapprehending the facts or by misapprehending the legal principles, thereby acquitted the defendant.

2. Determination

A. The facts charged in this case

The Defendant is the representative of the medical device manufacturer’s “○○○○ Mekn” in the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Gwangjin-gu ( Address omitted) △△ building. Nonindicted 2 is the adviser and the in-house director of the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s “Nonindicted 1 Stock Company” as the pharmaceutical manufacturer, who is in charge of the overall business of pharmaceutical sales, and Nonindicted 1 Stock Company was a corporation for the purpose of manufacturing and selling pharmaceutical drugs, and obtained marketing approval of pharmaceutical drugs.

A drug wholesaler who has obtained permission from the competent authority shall not sell or acquire drugs for the purpose of sale.

피고인은 허가 받은 의약품 도매상이 아님에도 불구하고, 위 공소외 2와 공소외 1 주식회사가 제조·판매하는 ‘◎◎◎◎◎◎’, ‘☆☆☆☆☆☆크림’에 대해 ‘◎◎◎◎◎◎’는 판매 시 공급가액의 30%, ‘☆☆☆☆☆☆크림’은 판매 시 개당 500원을 받는 조건으로 판매 약정계약을 체결하는 방법으로 외형적으로는 마치 공소외 1 주식회사가 판매하는 것처럼 가장하여 의약품을 판매하기로 공모하였다.

피고인은 2011. 1. 1. 위 ‘○○○메디칼’ 사무실에서, 판매할 목적으로 공소외 1 주식회사로부터 의약품인 ‘☆☆☆☆☆☆크림’ 40개를 구입한 것을 비롯하여 2011. 1. 1.부터 2013. 3. 31.까지 사이에 ‘◎◎◎◎◎◎’, ‘☆☆☆☆☆☆크림’을 위 조건으로 구입하여, 공소외 1 주식회사로 하여금 □□병원, ◇◇약품 등에 직접 우편으로 배송하게 하거나, 일부 병원의 경우 공소외 1 주식회사로부터 미리 위 의약품을 받아 위 ‘○○○메디칼’ 사무실에 보관하고 있다가 직접 배송하였고, 위 의약품 판매에 대한 세금계산서 발행 및 카드결제는 마치 공소외 1 주식회사 명의로 공소외 1 주식회사가 판매하는 것처럼 가장하여 2011. 1. 1. 공소외 3 주식회사에 ‘☆☆☆☆☆☆크림’ 40개를 81,600원에 판매하고, 그 판매대금 중 일부인 20,000원을 위 조건에 따라서 나누어 가진 것을 비롯하여, 2011. 1. 1.부터 2013. 3. 31.까지 사이에 별지 범죄일람표 기재와 같이 1,065회에 걸쳐 ‘◎◎◎◎◎◎’, ‘☆☆☆☆☆☆크림’ 등 80,991개 의약품을 합계 1,514,523,040원에 판매하고, 그 판매대금 중 397,437,425원을 교부받았다.

Accordingly, the Defendant conspiredd with Nonindicted Co. 1 Company 2 and sold medicines without obtaining permission from the competent authority in the above manner.

B. The judgment of the court below

The lower court acquitted the Defendant on the ground that there is considerable room to regard the Defendant as acting as an agent for the sales promotion activities, delivery, and collection of the instant drug. The evidence submitted by the Prosecutor alone is insufficient to readily conclude that the Defendant directly sold the instant drug without any reasonable doubt.

C. Judgment of the court below

1) Facts of recognition

According to the evidence duly admitted and examined by the court below, the following facts are recognized.

가) 공소외 1 주식회사는 1962. 10. 15. 설립되어 같은 날 의약품제조업허가증을 받았고, ☆☆☆☆☆☆크림에 대하여는 1979. 5. 17., ◎◎◎◎◎◎에 대하여는 1996. 11. 22. 각 의약품 품목허가를 받았으며(이하 위 ☆☆☆☆☆☆크림 및 ◎◎◎◎◎◎를 통칭하여 ‘이 사건 의약품’이라 한다.), ○○○메디칼은 1996. 7. 11. 설립되어 2006. 11. 20. 의료기기제조업허가증을 받았다.

B) Nonindicted 2, as the advisor and in-house director of the above Nonindicted Co. 1 Company, was a person in charge of general administration of drug sales, and was aware from around 2007 that ○○○ (○○○○) was not a drug wholesaler licensed by the competent authority.

C) The Defendant is the representative of ○○○ Mamek’s, and Nonindicted 4, Nonindicted 5, and Nonindicted 6 are the employees of ○○○ Mamek’s business division, and Nonindicted 15 are the employees of ○○ Mamek’s management division.

D) Around 2000, Nonindicted Co. 8, a telegraph of Nonindicted Co. 1, and ○○○○○○ Co., Ltd., entered into an agreement on total sales of Nonindicted Co. 8’s products (hereinafter “instant sales agreement”). The separate agreement states that “The separate agreement includes 70% of the value of supply (which is indicated in the above agreement as 30%, but it appears to be a clerical error of 70%) supplied to ○○ Co., Ltd., and ○○○○ Co., Ltd., deposited ○○○○ Co., Ltd., and ○○○○ Co., Ltd., Ltd., and ○○○ Co., Ltd., Ltd., and ○○○○ Co., Ltd., Ltd., a telegraph of Nonindicted Co. 8, a telegraph of Nonindicted Co. 1, and ○○○ Co., Ltd., a sales allowance of KRW 500 won.”

E) Upon receiving instructions from the Defendant and the Defendant, Nonindicted 4, and Nonindicted 5, etc. urged medical institutions or medical wholesale markets listed in the separate sheet of crime (hereinafter “the instant medical institutions or medical wholesale markets”) to purchase the instant medicine by explaining the purpose and characteristics of the use of the instant medicine, and some documents used by ○○○○ Rac for business purposes are indicated as the place of the purchase of the instant medicine. Nonindicted 12 and Nonindicted 9, and the person in charge of the purchase of the instant medical institutions or medical wholesale markets, such as Nonindicted 13 and the person in charge of the purchase of the instant medicine by Nonindicted 14 Co. 13, the person in charge of the purchase of the medicine of the instant medical institutions or medical wholesale markets, such as Nonindicted 9, and Nonindicted 10, etc., when the instant medicine is necessary, ordered the instant medicine by phone to ○○○ kmenk.

바) ○○○메디칼은 위 마)항과 같이 이 사건 의료기관 혹은 의료도매상의 의약품 구매담당자들로부터 이 사건 의약품에 대한 주문이 있는 경우 공소외 1 주식회사의 담당부서에 전화하여 해당 의료기관 혹은 의료도매상으로 직접 택배배송을 부탁하거나 ◁◁◁◁◁◁병원 등 택배배송을 원하지 않는 의료기관 혹은 의료도매상에 대하여는 ○○○메디칼로 이 사건 의약품을 보내줄 것을 요구하여 ○○○메디칼의 배송담당자가 직접 관련 의료기관 혹은 의료도매상을 방문하여 이 사건 의약품을 전달하였다.

G) At the time of the transaction like ○○○○○○○ Co., Ltd., received three copies of the transaction specifications from Nonindicted Co., Ltd., and two copies of the transaction were delivered to the instant medical institution or medical wholesale, and one copy was kept by ○○○○ Co., Ltd., and sent by facsimile information on the report of electronic tax invoices, such as the business registration number on the instant medical institution or medical wholesale, to issue the electronic tax invoice.

H) The instant medical institution or the medical wholesale market paid the instant medical product by means of bank remittance or credit card settlement, etc. In the case of bank remittance, the bank remittance was transferred to the bank account under the name of ○○○○○ dicar or Nonindicted Stock Company 1, and in the case of card settlement, the employee of ○○○○○○○○○○ Round issued sales slips on the instant medical institution or medical wholesale market with the mobile card settlement machine of Nonindicted Stock Company 1 and the franchise store issued sales slips as Nonindicted Stock Company 1.

자) ○○○메디칼이 이 사건 의료기관 혹은 의료도매상에 공급한 이 사건 의약품의 가격은 일반적으로 부가가치세를 포함하여 개당 ◎◎◎◎◎◎의 경우 15,400원, ☆☆☆☆☆☆크림의 경우 2,310원에 공급되었으나, 상당수의 ◎◎◎◎◎◎ 및 ☆☆☆☆☆☆크림이 이 보다 싸게 공급되기도 하였다.

(j) The Nonindicted Co. 1 calculated the fees to be granted to Nonindicted Co. 1 to ○○○○ Mekn, through monthly settlement, and transferred the difference to the bank account of ○○○○ Mekn where the said fees are more than the amount directly transferred from the instant medical institution or medical wholesale.

2) Determination

A) Although the facts charged of the instant case was not a drug wholesaler permitted by the Defendant, Nonindicted Co. 2 conspired with Nonindicted Co. 1 to sell drugs without obtaining permission from the competent authorities by pretending that Nonindicted Co. 1 sold the instant drugs by concluding the instant sales agreement with regard to the instant drugs that were manufactured and sold by Nonindicted Co. 2.

B) Article 44 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act limits the sale of drugs to “A pharmacy founder, a person who has obtained marketing approval of drugs, a person who has imported drugs, the Korea Orphan Drug Center, a stable and emergency drug seller, and a drug wholesaler,” and Article 45(1) and (2) of the same Act permits drug wholesalers to have “place of business, warehouse, and facilities meeting the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree,” and Article 45(5) of the same Act provides that drug wholesalers who have obtained permission from the head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall have a pharmacist take charge of their duties. Article 44(5) of the same Act provides that a drug wholesaler who has obtained such permission shall be limited to a drug wholesaler, etc. who satisfies certain requirements, and only a person who satisfies the said requirements shall be permitted to engage in the sale of drugs, and that a drug wholesaler shall take charge of his/her duties through a pharmacist. Thus, it is inappropriate to leave the sale of drugs to the public health and sanitation free, and thus, it is reasonable for the former Pharmaceutical Affairs Act to prohibit the sale of drugs in light of Article 4(2) of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act.

C) The Defendant entered into a sales agency contract with Nonindicted Co. 1 and only sold the instant medicine on the instant medical institution or medical wholesale. However, as seen earlier, the Defendant engaged in sales promotion of the instant medicine on the medical institution or medical wholesale, and received the order of the instant medicine from those in charge of the purchase of the instant medical institution or medical wholesale, and if necessary, delivered the instant medicine on the medical institution or medical wholesale that purchased the instant medicine by call to Nonindicted Co. 1 after receiving the order, or delivered the instant medicine on the medical wholesale on the medical wholesale. Unlike the Defendant’s assertion that the Defendant’s act constitutes a sales agency, the Defendant’s act constitutes a middle tracking role in the sales of the instant medicine, and contrary to the fact and circumstance, the Defendant was merely aware of the fact that the Defendant did not receive permission from Nonindicted Co. 1, who was in charge of the sales of the instant medicine under the name of Nonindicted Co. 1, in light of the purport of Article 93(1)8 and Article 44(2)2 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, and thus, was found guilty of the Defendant’s sales agent’s sales of the instant medicine or the first medical wholesale.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, since the prosecutor's appeal is well-grounded, the judgment of the court below is reversed in accordance with Article 364 (6) of the Criminal Procedure Act, and it is again decided as follows.

Criminal facts

The summary of the facts charged recognized by this court is as stated in Section 2(a) of the facts charged.

Summary of Evidence

1. The defendant's oral statement in court;

1. In the trial records of the court below Nos. 3 and 7, part of the witness Non-Indicted 11's statements

1. Part of the witness’s statement in the fourth trial record of the court below

1. In the 7th trial record of the court below, each part of the witness Nonindicted 4 and Nonindicted 15's statements are written.

1. Statement of the interrogation protocol of the accused prepared by the public prosecutor;

1. Some statements of the Defendant, Nonindicted 15, Nonindicted 4, and Nonindicted 5

1. Each statement of Nonindicted 12, Nonindicted 9, and Nonindicted 10

1. 수사보고(○○○메디칼 인허가 현황 첨부 보고), ○○○메디칼 의료기기 제조업허가증 사본, 수사보고[공소외 1 주식회사 인허가 현황 첨부 보고], 공소외 1 주식회사 의약품 제조업허가증 사본, 공소외 1 주식회사 의약품 품목현황 목록, 사업자등록증사본, 각 거래명세표 사본, ○○○메디칼 제품설명 사본, 메모 사본, 2013년 년간 영업계획 사본, 업무일지 사본, 담당 영업지역 현황 사본, 전자세금계산서 실시 관련 서류 사본, 알리코◎◎◎◎◎◎ 전단지 사본, 수사보고[○○○메디칼 영업부 직원(공소외 4) 업무일지에 기재된 공소외 1 주식회사 의약품 판매(영업, 배송 등)에 대한 자료 첨부 보고], 업무일지 사본, 수사보고[○○○메디칼 영업부 직원(공소외 5) 업무일지에 기재된 공소외 1 주식회사 의약품 판매(영업, 배송 등)에 대한 자료 첨부 보고, 업무일지 사본, 수사보고[해당 의약품을 ○○○메디칼이란 도매를 통해 병원(▽▽▽▽병원)에 공급하고 있다고 공소외 1 주식회사(구 공소외 8 주식회사) 명의의 공문 첨부 보고, 각 거래명세서 사본, 약정서 사본, ○○○메디칼 거래내역 사본, 거래내역 사본, 거래명세서 사본, 각 제품 수불현황 사본, 각 계정별 보조장 사본, 계좌별 거래내역 조회 사본, 전자확인증 사본, 매출전표 사본, ◎◎카드 매출전표 사본, 이체확인증 사본, 거래처 명단 사본, 수사보고[○○○메디칼 피고인과 공소외 1 주식회사와의 의약품 판매와 관련한 금융거래내역 첨부 보고], ○○○메디칼 거래내역 사본, 2013년 3월 판매대행료(수금기준) 사본, 수사보고[공소외 1 주식회사에서 ○○○메디칼로 배송된 의약품 거래내역(2011~2013. 3.) 및 거래명세서 첨부 보고], 각 거래내역 사본, 각 거래명세서 사본, 수사보고[○○○메디칼이 의료기관 및 의약품도매상으로부터 전화로 의약품을 주문받은 내역 첨부 보고], ○○○메디칼에서 의료기관 및 의약품도매상으로부터 주문 받은 내역, 수사보고[○○○메디칼이 의료기관 및 의약품도매상에 판매한 의약품 판매내역(2011~2013. 3.) 특정하여 첨부 보고], ○○○메디칼이 판매한 ◎◎◎◎◎◎(LJ) 판매내역(2011. 1. ~ 20313. 3.), ○○○메디칼이 판매한 ☆☆☆☆☆☆크림(CJ) 판매내역(2011. 1. ~ 20313. 3.), 공소외 15 수첩, 공소외 15 서류철, 거래카드, 피고인 수첩, 피고인 서류철, 직원 업무일지의 각 기재

Application of Statutes

1. Article applicable to criminal facts;

Article 93(1)8 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, Article 44(2)2 of the same Act, Article 30 of the Criminal Act.

1. Suspension of execution;

Article 62(1) of the Criminal Act

Grounds for sentencing

The Defendant’s crime of this case is a criminal act of evading the provisions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, which only allows a person who satisfies strict requirements to sell medicines to contribute to the improvement of public health, and is not good, and even if so, the Defendant continues to deny the criminal act until the trial. There is a history that the Defendant has already been punished for committing a crime of violating the Medical Devices Act similar to the instant crime, and other circumstances, which include the motive for the instant crime, the circumstances after the crime, the character and conduct of the Defendant, and criminal records, and the conditions of sentencing as shown in the records and arguments, shall be determined as per the disposition.


Judges final (Presiding Judge) Kim Jong-sung
