A shall be punished by imprisonment for six months, by a fine of 3,00,000 won.
B The above fine.
Punishment of the crime
The defendants are foreigners with the nationality of the steel frame and reside in Korea with non-professional employment visa (E-9).
1. On March 12, 2017, Defendant A: (a) around 23:15, at the front line of the Seoul Jung-gu Seoul Central District, Defendant A was under the influence of alcohol to set the pan-crimes of a passenger car running at the seat, and was under the control of the police box belonging to the Seoul Central District Police Station Epis and the slope G.
Accordingly, while the defendant was frightened with the brick (35 cm in width, 22 cm in length, 15 cm in thickness) which is a dangerous object near the defendant, he was assaulted by G, such as the defect that G driving away from the defendant and attempted to arrest him as the current criminal of the crime of obstruction of performance of special duties, and the defect that G wears drinking and walking the bridge on several occasions.
Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and interfered with legitimate execution of duties concerning the prevention, suppression, and investigation of G crimes, which are police officers.
2. Defendant B, at the time, at the place specified in paragraph 1, reported that police officers G want to arrest A, and assaulted B by having a police officer G tightly and walking a bridge at two hand, thereby hindering the police officer’s legitimate execution of duties concerning the arrest of flagrant offenders of G, who are police officers.
Summary of Evidence
1. The Defendants’ respective legal statements
1. Each statement made to the Defendants in each protocol concerning the interrogation of suspects by the prosecution
1. Statement in each police statement with respect to G and F;
1. Application of each video statute in each photograph (which means 14, 54, 55 pages of investigation records);
1. Relevant Article of the Criminal Act and subparagraph A of the option of punishment against the crime: Articles 144(1) and 136(1) of the Criminal Act (the choice of imprisonment) Defendant B: Article 136(1) of the Criminal Act (the choice of punishment)
1. Defendant B who is detained in a workhouse: Articles 70(1) and 69(2) of the Criminal Act;
1. Defendant A with suspended execution: Article 62(1) of the Criminal Act (no record exists that the Defendant has been subject to criminal punishment while residing in the Republic of Korea, confession of the crime, the Defendant committed a somewhat contingent crime while under the influence of alcohol, and damage to police officers.