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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.05.24 2018고단2016

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

From October 2014 to November 20, 2017, the Defendant is a person who is in charge of travel consultation and reservation while working as the head of the team at the victim D Co., Ltd. located in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Underground Commercial Building 21 and 22, Gangnam-gu.

On November 2016, the Defendant submitted a written claim for the exercise expenses that included the penalty to be borne by the Defendant’s team members at his own expense less than the performance, and instead appropriated the false air ticket receipt or exercise expenses to the victim company, and had the victim company deposit the flight fee and exercise expenses into the account in the name of the party travel agent or the defendant’s friendship E-gu account, and had the victim use them for personal use after returning them to the personal account in the name of the Defendant.

On November 4, 2016, the Defendant presented at the above location a false aviation ticket receipt and a false exercise cost claim (INVICE) containing excessive expenses to be paid to the actual customer travel agent, as if the customer agreed on the airline ticket and paid the airline fee, at the above location, and had the said F pay the amount equivalent to the false aviation ticket receipt and the flight fee and event expenses as stated in the claim for the exercise expenses presented by the Defendant to the customer travel agent G, and the G officer paid the amount exceeding the aviation fee and event expenses to H.

The defendant returned KRW 960,00 to the Korean bank account in the name of the defendant.

In addition, as shown in the list of crimes in the separate sheet, the Defendant had the victim company deposit the air fee and event fee with the account in the name of G (H, J, E (L), M, N (O), and E from October 27, 2017, from that time to October 27, 2017, and as if the account in the name of the Defendant E was the customer travel account, the Defendant deposited the money deposited in the above account in the name of G (H, J, E, K (L), M, N (O) and E, and then received the money deposited in the above account from the Defendant to the account in the name of Korea bank in the name of the Defendant, and the customer travel agent
