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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2014.05.27 2014고단344

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant is a person who, at the Jeonju District Court on June 23, 2008, has been sentenced to a fine of 500,000 won for a violation of the Road Traffic Act (driving) and a fine of 2 million won for the same crime in the same court on January 5, 2009, is a person who is engaged in driving of BYFtha car.

1. On December 22, 2013, the Defendant violated the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Death and Injury caused by Dangerous Driving) and the Road Traffic Act (driving on a sound driving) driving on the said vehicle while under the influence of alcohol by 0.214% of alcohol concentration on blood on a 05:51 on December 22, 2013, and the Defendant driven the said vehicle with 25-way red-interest from the red-fluoring west-gu Seoul Mapo

Since the above place is where a central line is installed, in such a case, a person engaged in driving service has a duty of care to live well in the front line, accurately operate steering and brakes, and drive a vehicle by observing the central line.

Nevertheless, under the influence of alcohol, the Defendant was unable to properly operate the steering gear in a state where normal driving is difficult due to the influence of alcohol, and was mistakenly driven by the central line, and was in front of the driver’s seat of the victim C(49 years old) who was driven by the red-fluorn taxi, which was driven by the red-fluoring area. The Defendant was in front of the driver’s seat of the driver’s seat of the victim C(49 years old).

The Defendant caused the foregoing traffic accident and caused the damage to the victim C, tensions, tensions, etc., the victim E (the victim E (the aged 30) who was aboard a taxi, caused the victim FF (the aged 27) to suffer from the injury to the left-hand kidal coordinate, etc., such as catum catum catum, tensions, etc. requiring treatment for about two weeks, and the victim G (the aged 20) by the same victim G (the aged 20) requiring treatment for about two weeks, including catum catums and tensions, requiring treatment for about two weeks, and by the same victim H (the aged 28).

2. The Defendant is obstruction of the performance of official duties on December 22, 2013.
