본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2019.01.10 2018고단1044

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

[2018 Highest 1044] On December 9, 2017, at around 05:28, 2017, “C” was reported to the effect that “A” in front of the “C” located in Kimhae-si B, and the police officers belonging to the Kimhae Police Station D Zone D District Unit of the Kimhae-si Police Station called out to confirm the personal information of F, who was identified as the perpetrator of the reported case, the police officers, who were called as the perpetrator of the reported case, were able to take a bath view, and E was arrested as the flagrant offender of the offense of insult.

The Defendant threatened the Defendant, at the same time and place as above, with the Defendant’s desire to display h’s face while demanding the Defendant to display h’s bathing h’s bathing h’s bathing h’s bathing h’s bathing h’s bathing h’s photographing h’s bathing h’s face.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with legitimate execution of duties concerning the handling of 112 reported cases by police officers and arrest of flagrant offenders.

[2018 Highest 1298]

1. On September 30, 2017, at around 05:25:25, the Defendant and I, together with I, were in common assault with I, on the ground that the victim L (the age of 16) who was seated in front of the convenience store was able to listen to the Defendant who was living in the middle of the convenience store, and on the ground that he had a dispute, I would like to see that I would like to see the victim L's left side bucks once due to a bad engine, and when I would like to leep the victim L's left side bucks one time with the hand floor, and the Defendant continued to lick the victim's left bucks (the age of 17) which is the victim L's driving by a bad engine, and caused the victim's head four times due to drinking.

Accordingly, the defendant committed violence against the victims jointly with I.

2. The Defendant’s injury to the Defendant shouldered the Victim N(16) who was assaulted by L while assaulting the said L at the same time and place as that of paragraph (1) to the extent that she was frightened by L, and she was frightened by L, and the victim “I am fright, I am fright, and I am fright, I am to the fright.”
