1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Basic facts
(1) The Defendant is an incorporated association established on January 29, 1980 for the management and operation of the C market, and the Songnam Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Songnam Industry”) is a corporation incorporated on September 26, 197 for the purpose of real estate leasing business, etc.
On June 5, 1987, the Songnam industry changed its trade name into the same sea-based corporation, the same sea-based corporation on February 1, 1989, the same sea-based corporation on February 5, 199, and the Songnam industry on February 5, 199.
The Songnam industry was awarded a contract from the defendant to construct the Busan-gu D Commercial Building (hereinafter referred to as the "Commercial Building").
d. The registration of preservation of ownership was completed on July 27, 1989 with respect to the buildings listed in the separate sheet among the instant commercial buildings (hereinafter “instant stores”) and the Defendant shared at the share of 1/2 shares, respectively.
Secondly, on July 15, 2016 between the Plaintiff and the Songnam industry, a sales contract was prepared to purchase the instant store in KRW 15 million. On August 17, 2016, the Songnam industry completed the registration of ownership transfer on the ground of sale on July 15, 2016 with respect to the Plaintiff’s one-half portion of the title (construction in the same year) among the instant stores.
x. However, on January 6, 1982, the defendant and the South-North industry entered into an agreement containing the following contents and received a notarized by notary public E office No. 142 in a notary public E office in 1982.
The Agreement shall enter into an agreement between the defendant and the defendant for the liquidation, completion, and market prosperity of the balance of the land of the D building in Busan-gu, Busan-gu, with the aim of the liquidation and completion of the construction, as follows:
1. The services industry shall bear all procedures or expenses until the balance of the site is fully paid, and transfer registration in the name of the defendant.
2. With respect to the sales proceeds of part payments and outstanding accounts receivable D commercial apartment units unsold in a separate wholesale market, the defendant and the transmitting and south industry shall constitute joint property;
3. Co-operation with the Defendant under paragraph 2 for market development and prosperity.