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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2015.10.15 2015고단8


B Imprisonment with prison labor for eight months, and for one year, defendant D, respectively.


The facts charged against A and C and the facts charged.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant B testified that, around August 29, 2013, Defendant B testified that, after attending and taking an oath as a witness in a lawsuit for invalidation of a merger under Article 2013Gahap925 of the Daejeon District Court (Seoul District Court) around August 29, 2013, Defendant B testified that, in the examination of Defendant B’s agent, “I think that I would like to take work because I would like to take part in the work because I would like to ask for the seal impression, certificate of personal seal impression, and certificate of personal seal impression at all at the time when I would like to ask for the reason”, Defendant B testified that “I would have to take part in the work,” and “I would like to give the testimony to “I would have the right to take part in the work,” and “I would like to give the testimony to “I would have the right to take part in the work, because I would have a relation with the seal impression, certificate of personal seal impression, and certificate of personal seal impression.”

However, the Defendant was well aware of the fact that C is irrelevant to the owner of the construction work because he had a seal imprint, a certificate of personal seal impression, an identification card, etc. when requesting C to merge with J.

Accordingly, the defendant made a false statement contrary to memory and raised perjury.

2. Defendant D’s perjury teacher (2015No. 404) is the representative director of K&A established for the purpose of various types of business brokerage and consulting business; A is a person operating L/A; B is a person operating J; and C is a person conducting corporate consulting business with M’s trade name.

B, as many debts make it difficult to operate the J, it had the Defendant proceed with the procedure through C with mind to merge with other companies, and A also had the intention to merge with other companies in order to improve the performance of construction work.

On July 18, 2012, the Defendant filed a lawsuit for invalidation of merger with the Daejeon District Court in relation to the merger between L Co., Ltd. and J Co., Ltd.
