본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2015.04.20 2015고정33

The prosecution of this case is dismissed.


1. The summary of the facts charged is as follows: (a) the Defendant, who operates a singing practice room, was aware of in the course of lending and using a bond prior to about 7-8 years with the victim B.

2014. 5. 8. 19:00경 전남 광양시 C 아파트 105동 1501호에서 고소인이 빌려 간 돈을 제때 갚지 않는다는 이유로, 고소인에게 "내가 1년을 왜 기다린 줄 아나, 니 기회되면 납치해서 죽일라고 씨발년 1년 동안 기다린거다. 알겄나, 니 고할라는 거 계속 니 그런 식으로 마음을 먹도록 만들어라이"라며 휴대전화를 하여 이에 응하지 않을 경우 신체에 어떠한 위해를 가할 것 같은 말을 하여 그녀를 협박하였다.

나. 2014. 7. 9. 시간 불상 위항의 장소에서 피해자에게 "니 지금 저가 확 씨발년 잡아넣고 확 잡아 쥑이뿐다, 조금 시원하게 개 같은 년 이거, 너는 잡히면 씨발 죽인다, 니는 알겠나, 내가 하여튼 제대로 고발한다, 이 씨발년아 잡아 죽인다. 너는, 니 진짜 거짓말하다가 잡히면 니 가만 안 두겠다,알겠나"라고 협박하였다

C. On July 28, 2014, for the same reason, at the same place as above, the complainant stated in the above paragraph on the same day, “I would see to thrown away to the complainants at the end of the same year,” and “I would like to do so at any time during the same year, and at any time at any time, I would like to make up for the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax base of the tax amount

around 14:48 on October 30, 2014, "the complainant is" at the same location in the above paragraph, so we need to look at whether the complainant is able to do so after being put up several times at the widths, and then being asked at this weather year at the time;

In the case of the bond company, the bond company has lent money, rape, and Chewing.
