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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2015.02.13 2014가단29615

1. The Defendant, to Plaintiff A, KRW 12,241,512, and KRW 300,000 to Plaintiff B, and KRW 300,00 to Plaintiff C, Plaintiff D, Plaintiff E, and Plaintiff F.


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

A. 1) Status of a party (1) The defendant is a mutual aid operator who has entered into a mutual aid agreement on the bus of this case with the passenger of the non-party corporation, the owner of the G bus of this case (hereinafter “the bus of this case”).

(2) Plaintiff B is the spouse of Plaintiff A, and Plaintiff C, Plaintiff D, Plaintiff E, and Plaintiff F are the lineal descendants of Plaintiff A.

B) The occurrence of the instant accident, etc. (1) around 13:15 on August 29, 2012, Nonparty H was driving the instant bus and was proceeding in the direction of a day-to-day intersection in the direction of the dialogue. (2) Nonparty H continued the instant bus, in violation of the traffic signal at the time, in the manner that the traffic signal was red, thereby running the instant bus as it was, and Nonparty H was shocked by the instant bus by the instant bus (hereinafter “instant accident”).

(3) The plaintiff A suffered injuries, such as injuries that need to be treated in static surgery, such as a stoke, stoke, stoke, both sides of the two sides of the accident in this case, stoke, left-hand stoke, stoke, and stoke in the left-hand stoke, etc., and injuries that need to be treated, dental treatment, and dental treatment. [The grounds for recognition] There is no dispute, the defendant is liable to compensate for damages suffered by the plaintiffs as a mutual aid project operator for the bus in this case, for the damages caused by the accident in question.

B. However, according to the above facts, when the driver of a bicycle crosses the road on the crosswalk, he/she is negligent in a violation of Article 13-2 of the Road Traffic Act by getting off the bicycle and walking the bicycle (see Article 13-2 of the Road Traffic Act). The above negligence of the plaintiff A is caused by the accident in this case.
