1. The Defendants shall jointly and severally pay to the Plaintiff KRW 37,00,000 and the interest rate from April 10, 2020 to the day of full payment.
1. Basic facts
A. (1) The Plaintiff entered into a contract to join the Plaintiff’s regional housing association and paid contributions, etc.) around February 10, 2017, and the Defendant B Regional Housing Association Promotion Committee (hereinafter “Defendant B Housing Association Promotion Committee”).
B) A regional housing association with the content of applying for the joining of the members of the regional housing association established by the Defendant Committee and the supply of one household (74m2) out of apartment houses prepared by the said regional housing association D in the city of the original State (hereinafter “instant joining agreement”).
)을 체결하고, 같은 날 계약금 및 업무추진비 명목으로 2,200만 원을 피고 추진위원회에 지급하였다. 2) 이 사건 가입계약에는 조합가입신청자는 ① 계약금, 중도금, 잔금으로 구분된 조합원 분담금을 ㉠ 1차 계약금 500만 원은 계약시에, ㉡ 2차 계약금 1,500만 원은 창립총회 전에, ㉢ 중도금은 조합설립 인가 후 서면통보하는 분납일정에 따라, ㉣ 잔금은 입주 무렵 추후 통보하는 때에 각 납부하되, 위 조합원 분담금은 조합원 분담금 지정계좌(신한은행 예금주 E㈜ F, 이하 ‘분담금 계좌’라 한다)로 납부하여야 하고, ② 피고 위원회가 선정한 업무추진 대행사를 통해 주택조합의 행정, 세무회계와 사업계획 및 인ㆍ허가, 각종 계약 등의 제반 업무 일체를 수행하기 위한 비용인 업무대행비 1,700만 원은 별도의 업무대행비 납부계좌(신한은행 예금주 E㈜ G)에 납부하여야 한다는 내용이 포함되어 있다.
3) On March 10, 2017, the Defendant Committee and the agent company of the Defendant Committee, at the time, sent to I a notice to call an inaugural general meeting only for the intermediate payment household, and to pay intermediate payments into the account of contributions. On March 27, 2017, the Plaintiff wired KRW 15 million to the account of contributions around March 27, 2017. (B) The Defendant Committee around April 2017.