본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2015.06.11 2014고단10035

1. Defendant A shall be punished by a fine of one million won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine.


Punishment of the crime


A is the director of the E Taekwondo and F Taekwondo Sports Center, and Defendant B is the criminal of the E Taekwondo Sports Center, and Defendant C is the criminal of the F Taekwondo Sports Center.


A and Defendant B are fatherant relationships, and they are the dual relationship between Defendant A and Defendant C.

1. On September 19, 2014, at around 22:20 on September 19, 2014, the Defendant listened to the sound of the victim H (16 years of age) and I in the E Taekwondo Sports Center operated by himself/herself located in Busan-gu G with a big sound in the escape room, and went to a gymnasium, and the part of the victim H’s head was turned to a gymnasium (40cm in length).

After that, the Defendant sent the victim to a gymnasium, and tried to restore the victim to a gymnasium, and the victim refused to do so only once the gbbbbbb area is lower, and the Defendant dumnasium was divided into two hands, and assaulted the victim by separating the head of the victim.

2. At around 23:05 on September 19, 2014, Defendant B: (a) on the first floor of the E Taekwondo Sports Center as indicated in the foregoing paragraph (1), the victim H called “the same bit of bit of Taekwondo bitch;” and (b) the said sports hall was abandoned to A for the same reason as indicated in the foregoing paragraph (1); (c) the Defendant, who was not at the scene, called “a gymnasium to go back to the gymnasium,” and (d) was the victim “Wing off. I am going back. I am back. I am back. I am back. I am back. I am back to the bottom of the victim’s face by hand on the ground that she was said to go back to the bottom.”

Therefore, when the victim said, “a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch,” the victim’s face 3-4 times with one’s hand floor, and the victim’s chest and side gate were continuously exposed to approximately 22 days by generating the victim’s chest and side gul, thereby causing injury to the victim, such as an alley franch, breadum dye, etc.

3. Defendant C is the Defendant on September 2014.
