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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원강릉지원 2020.08.11 2019나32009

1. Upon the request of this court for a change in exchange, each real estate listed in the separate sheet of real estate to the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On July 4, 1980, the net V (Death on October 20, 1981) completed each registration of initial ownership as to the land listed in Paragraph 1 of the Attached List (hereinafter “instant land”). On June 30, 1980, each of the buildings listed in Paragraph 2 of the same Schedule (hereinafter “the instant building”) was completed.

B. After the death of the netV, the net AC (Death on March 18, 2003) and the net X (Death on January 11, 2017), which is the family heir, inherited the respective 4/39 shares of 6/39, and the network Y (Death on December 30, 2017), which is the female heir, C, and Defendant D’s 1/39, and the remainder of the Defendants B, E, F, G, H, and network Z (Death on June 5, 2003) inherited the respective 4/39 shares.

Since then, as a result of the deceased AC, X,Y, and Z's inheritance and inheritance due to the death of the deceased, ① Defendant B, Defendant E, Defendant F, Defendant G, Defendant H, and Defendant C, each of the 46/390 shares 16/390, ② Defendant A, the heir of the deceased X, succeeded to 18/390, Defendant J, Defendant J, Defendant K, Defendant L, and Defendant M, each of the 12/390; ③ Defendant N, the heir of the deceased M, were 24/1755; ③ Defendant Q, Defendant Q, DefendantO, and Defendant P, each of the 16/1755; ④ the 69/1365; Defendant S, and Defendant C, each of the 46/136/1365 shares.

C. The network V and the network X, a South-North, resided in the AL ground near the instant land, and Defendant I, a wife of the network X, resided in the instant land even after the death of the deceased.

On April 4, 1994, the registration of preservation of ownership was completed in the name of the network X, and after that, Defendant I completed the registration of transfer of ownership on the ground of a gift made on April 17, 1995.

The plaintiff's attached AD (Death on July 7, 1985) resided in the building of this case, and at present, the plaintiff resides in the building of this case.

E. The surrounding 32 lots of land, including the instant land, are land within the collective infinite area where the boundary of the land registered in the cadastral map is inconsistent with the actual boundary, and it is currently impossible to conduct a cadastral survey.

[Reasons for Recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence Nos. 1, 2, 4 through 7, 12, 14, and Eul evidence No. 1 (including each number);
