본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.02.17 2014가단121416

1. The Defendants each of the inheritance shares and equity shares listed in the attached Table 1 among the 1st seven parts of Youngcheon-si X Forest.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the Plaintiff 1) is the wife of the network Y (Death on September 10, 1983), and the Plaintiff E, I, and Z and the network A are the children of the network Y. The Plaintiff B is the wife of the network Z (Death on February 26, 2014), and the Plaintiff C and D (Name AB before the name of the whole name) are the children of the network Z. Plaintiff F is the husband of the network AA (Death on August 19, 207), Plaintiff G and H are the children of the network Z. Plaintiff G and H are the children of the network A (Death on August 19, 207), Plaintiff G and H are the children of the network AC (Death on December 30, 1992), Defendant L, M, N, P (Name name on December 30, 199), the name of the former AD, and QM is the children of Defendant J. 31, 1963.

Defendant R is the wife of the net AF (Death on March 13, 1988), and S, T, U, and V are the children of the net AF.

3) Each inheritance shares of the remaining Defendants except the Plaintiffs and Defendant W (alias) are as indicated in the calculation table of the shares in inheritance in the attached Table 3. B. On June 7, 1951, the deceased AE, the network AF, and the Defendant W are as indicated in the calculation table of shares in inheritance in the attached Table 3.

(C) With respect to each of one-third shares, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on April 10, 1951 on the ground of sale and purchase (hereinafter “instant factual confirmation”). Defendant W around 1994, the fact that Defendant W and two other persons sold the instant land to the Sea Y and the Sea Z around 1965 (hereinafter “instant factual confirmation”).

set up and ordered the [based basis for recognition] unsatisfy, Gap evidence 1 and 2 (which include numbers, hereinafter the same shall apply).

A. Each entry of evidence No. 4 and the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The parties' assertion

A. After the plaintiffs' alleged Y purchased the instant land from the net AE, net AF and Defendant W, around October 1965, the Plaintiffs, who were their successors or their successors, occupied the instant land for at least 20 years and acquired the instant land by prescription.

B. The Defendants’ assertion Y cannot be deemed to have purchased the instant land around October 1965, and rather, the network AE, network AF, or the Defendants exercise their ownership by occupying the instant land.

The Plaintiffs are the instant land.
