본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2015.01.21 2014구합2031

1. The Defendant’s disposition to register the change of sports facility business against the Intervenor joining the Defendant on March 18, 2014 is revoked.



1. Details of the disposition;

A. On July 19, 2001, E was established for the purpose of golf club business, etc. on July 19, 2001. On August 9, 2004, E obtained approval from the Defendant for a golf club creation project plan with the content that it creates a golf club with a total of 27 holes of 18 persons and 9 persons in the public. 2) E obtained approval from the Defendant on March 15, 2006 for a golf club creation project plan approved as above from the Defendant, with respect to a golf club creation project plan approved as above, E obtained a modified approval for a business plan with a total of 27 persons in the public, around 23, 2006, and around 18 persons in the public and around 18 persons in the public.

3) On December 1, 2006, E completed the G course 18 holes, and completed the H course 18 holes around October 1, 2007, and completed the H course 18 holes on and around October 1, 2007, and completed the said golf course on a total of 36 holes (hereinafter referred to as “instant golf course”).

(B) After completing the construction of the instant golf course, the Defendant had operated the instant golf course by model operation, and on November 13, 2012, the Defendant divided 18 GOSs from among the instant golf course into a popular system and 18 holess into membership systems, filed an application for registration of each sports facility business (a golf course business) and completed the registration of the instant sports facility business with the same contents as the following day. (b) E from August 2005, from around August 2005, recruited regular members and main members of the instant golf course, and the main contents of the notice of the recruitment of members are as follows.

- A membership in the public notice of recruitment of new members - A membership in the private member - A membership in the public notice of recruitment of new members - A membership in the private member - A member - A member 500,000,000 (one unit) - A member - A member 500,000,000 in common - A member - A member - A member 399 members in common from among all non-members who are accompanied by the non-member 399 members when he/she is accompanied by the 36 members in common - A member - A member - A member - A member - a member - a member - a member 2 member - a member - a member 2 member - a member - a member - a member 2 member - a member - a member - a member - a member - a member - a member - a member - a member jun n n
