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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.09.07 2017고단1230

The punishment of defendants shall be two years.

The request of the applicant for compensation shall be dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

1. The criminal defendant was aware of his/her reputation;

Recognizing that E is able to lend a large amount of money from D, E had a mind to borrow money from D through E.

The Defendant, at any place in Seoul around May 2015, 2015, invested KRW 200 million in the good goods from the real estate auction on the face of a State Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party

section 3.

If it brings 200 million won, the difference shall be punished within 15 days.

D 20 million won may be borrowed from D.

2. The term “assumed.”

Around the same time, the Defendant borrowed 200 million won, along with the words of the same purport, to D, the Defendant told E to pay KRW 400 million, including interest KRW 200 million, until May 29, 2015.

D beliefing that end, around May 11, 2015, D put the Defendant two pages (G, H) of the check at a coffee shop located in Yangcheon-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, for a face value of KRW 100 million.

However, the defendant's words "F (one name I) was a virtual figure, and even if the defendant borrowed money, he was able to use it for personal debt repayment and living expenses.

The defendant did not have any intention or ability to pay interest on the loans that he promised to pay to D.

The defendant, by deceiving the victim D, obtained 200 million won.

2. The Defendant was urged to pay KRW 200,000,000,000 from D when he/she promised to borrow KRW 200,000 from D. However, around November 2015, the Defendant received payment notes from E in the name of “D A.20,000,000,000 won actually used.”

I received a letter of payment from the I. The request was received.

On November 28, 2015, the Defendant: (a) written a letter of payment in I’s name; and (b) on November 28, 2015, the Defendant written a letter of payment in I’s name with the title “written payment in blank” with the pen-type in blank; and (c) on December 10, 2015, paid the original gold and the profits accrued therefrom.

November 28, 2015;
