본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산고등법원 2006. 10. 26. 선고 2004나10749 판결
Plaintiff and appellant

Plaintiff 1 and two others (Attorneys Lee Jae-in et al., Counsel for the plaintiff-appellee)

Defendant, Appellant

Defendant 1 and one other (Law Firm Cheongn, Attorney Gyeong-dilution, Counsel for the defendant-appellant)

Conclusion of Pleadings

September 28, 2006

The first instance judgment

Changwon District Court Decision 2001Da3647 delivered on May 27, 2004


1. All appeals filed by the plaintiffs are dismissed.

2. The plaintiff 1's claim expanded from the trial is dismissed.

3. The costs of the lawsuit after the appeal are assessed against the plaintiffs.

Purport of claim and appeal

1. Purport of claim

The Defendants jointly and severally pay 828,363,104 won to Plaintiff 1, and 2,936,383 won to Plaintiff 2,93, and each of them shall be paid 5% per annum from April 18, 1999 to the service date of a duplicate of the complaint of this case, and 20% per annum from the next day to the day of full payment ( Plaintiff 1 extended the principal of the claim at the trial and reduced the damages for delay, and Plaintiff 2, and 3 reduced the purport of the claim at the trial).

2. Purport of appeal

The judgment of the first instance shall be revoked. The defendants jointly and severally pay to the plaintiff 1 804,235,870 won, and 15,000,000 won to the plaintiff 2 and 3 respectively, and 5% per annum from April 18, 1999 to the date the judgment of the first instance is rendered, and 20% per annum from the next day to the date of full payment.


1. Basic facts

The following facts are not disputed between the parties, or are acknowledged in full view of the following facts: Gap evidence 1 through 4, 7, Gap evidence 5, 16, 17-1, 2, 10-1 through 18, 1-2, 2-1, 2-3, 2-1 through 10, 2-2, 3-2, and 1-3 of Eul evidence; the results of the fact inquiry into the President of the Korean Medical Association; the results of the fact inquiry to the President of the Korean Medical Association; and the purport of the entire arguments in the first instance trial of the defendant 2.

A. Status of the parties

(1) On April 18, 1999, the Plaintiff 1 was born at ○○ Hospital located in Jinju-si (hereinafter omitted) and then was in the current status of cerebral Bribery. Plaintiff 2 is the father of Plaintiff 1, and Plaintiff 3 is the mother of Plaintiff 1.

Shed Defendant 1 is an operator of the ○ Hospital, and Defendant 2 is the father of the ○ Hospital and the midwife affiliated with the ○○ Hospital.

(b) Circumstances before delivery;

(1) On August 20, 1998, Plaintiff 3 was pregnant with ○○ Hospital’s woman and her mother, and was under regular pre-delivery diagnosis once a month until eight months of pregnancy, and thereafter under regular pre-delivery diagnosis once every two weeks until April 18, 1999, which is the date of delivery. There was no error on both the mother and her mother’s and her fetus’s heart-mortem examination, type-type examination, winding examination, shot-ray examination, shot-ray photographs, prone X-ray photographs, prone-ray photographs, and her mother and her fetus were found at all.

Dolsan Hospital and the doctor affiliated with ○○ Hospital started work in the sequence of holidays and nights as four, and the doctor on duty was waiting at his own home, and the doctor on duty was waiting to take measures to be taken by the hospital when an emergency situation occurs, such as the childbirth and the lapse of the time required for delivery, etc.

Article 22(1) of the Civil Act provides that “A person who is not the father of the child or the father of the child or the father of the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the child or the doctor of the child or the

C. The plaintiff 1's delivery process

(1) Around 08:00 on April 18, 1999, Plaintiff 3 was hospitalized in the delivery room on the second floor of ○○ Hospital around 08:45 on the same day. Defendant 2, a midwife, was in charge of Plaintiff 3’s part under the assistance of one assistant nurse.

immediately after sheshe was hospitalized, Plaintiff 3’s self-saponsed to approximately 2 to 3§¯ (if we proceed with only a minute, the landscape of the womb is opened to the degree of 10cm, in order to fully pass the advanced part of the fetus, the landscape of the womb should be opened to the degree of 10cm), the number of the womb candles, and the number of the heart booms of the fetus measured by using the grmos was normal to 156 / minutes.

Around 10:00 on the same day, Plaintiff 3’s womb was in a weak condition, and the physical temperature was 36.9 degrees, blood pressure was 110/70mm, and fetus heart stuffed at 162 times and 162 minutes, respectively, and Defendant 2 was in charge of the penttoma, an induced delivery.

x) At around 10:15 on the same day, Defendant 2 artificially cut a balm to promote only a minute while the landscape of Plaintiff 3 was opened at a level of 5 to 6§¯, and the balm color was observed by artificially cutting the balm in order to promote only the minute at the middle level, and notified the Plaintiff 2 thereof, and measured the heart balm of the fetus immediately, and as a result, the heart balm number of the fetus was 162 / 162 in normal circumstances.

(v) Defendant 2 observed the solar color, but the fetus heart number was normal, and the landscape of the womb was opened in sequence of 5 to 6cm with its middle size, and the rapid process of delivery was underway, so Defendant 2 continued to maintain only the leading part without having contact with the father and the doctor separately.

⑹ 원고 3은 같은 날 10:20경 태아 심박동수가 162회/분, 자궁경부가 10㎝로 완전 개대되었고, 그 이후 분만 과정이 순조롭게 진행되어 같은 날 10:32경 자연분만으로 체중 3.2kg의 원고 1을 분만하였다.

(d) Treatment procedures after delivery;

(1) The plaintiff 3 was exposed to the two parts of the plaintiff 1 to the complete discharge. The plaintiff 3 was only a sudden part of the plaintiff 1 to the complete discharge.

⑵ 그런데, 원고 1은 출생 직후 심한 청색증(피부가 파랗게 변하는 것을 말하며, 저산소증, 저체온, 혈액 순환 부전 등의 상황에서 나타난다)을 보이고, 호흡 곤란 증세를 보이면서 자극을 받아도 울지 않았는데, 원고 1의 1분 아프가(Apgar) 점수는 3점(심박동 2점, 피부색 1점)이었다.

Defendant 2, by inserting the floor of Plaintiff 1, etc., sent a 3 liter/ oxide to Plaintiff 1’s spath, removed the spath of Plaintiff 1’s entry and coin with the length of about 10§¯, and then put in a pepe in a pepe in the length of about 15§¯ (or a device in which the string of the strings would rapidly go in if the string of the strings would go in by inserting the string and the engine of the strings), removed the string of the string of Plaintiff 1’s flag, and supplied 3 liter/ oxygen through the string of the string through the string of Plaintiff 1’s coin, the string of which was installed in the strings, but Plaintiff 1 did not have repulmoned, and Plaintiff 1’s 5-minute mar score of Plaintiff 1’s 5-minute m.

x) Defendant 2 contacted the Non-Party, who is an infant and a doctor, and then removed the Plaintiff 1’s attitudes with the Plaintiff 1, with two nurses, with the Plaintiff 1 additionally removed the Plaintiff 1’s attitudes by covering the oxygen in bulk, supplied the Plaintiff 1 with an oxygen in bulk, and performed the cardiopulmonary resuscitation for about 3 to 4 minutes. As a result, Plaintiff 1 began to have the respiratory while sounding, and the skin color began to have been restored.

E. Progresss thereafter

(1) At around 11:00 on April 18, 1999, Plaintiff 1: (a) had a relatively stable active signs with doping, 36 degrees of physical temperature 36; (b) 138 times/minutes of heart gambling; (c) 48 times/minutes of skin color; (d) as a result of various tests, Plaintiff 1 was diagnosed as a new-born, severe pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary resistant; and (b) had a centralized observation and treatment of Plaintiff 1 by putting the Plaintiff 1 in Catter.

At around 12:00 on the same day, she taken photographs of Plaintiff 1 with a chest X-ray, and as a result, a lot of attitudess were observed on the part of the center of the closure.

Article 22(1) of the Civil Procedure Act provides that the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the medical personnel of the

Applicant 1 was discharged from ○○ Hospital on the 29th 10:00 of the same month on the 29th 10:0, and the Plaintiff 1 was transferred from the 30th 30th of the same month to the ordinary university hospital and received regular outpatient treatment.

(v) around April 26, 200, Plaintiff 1 was diagnosed by the ordinary university hospital for light-type malutism, mental retardation and speech disorder, and cerebral leutism in both sides, and is receiving treatment for the development of sports and the development of recognition because Plaintiff 1 was suffering from development disorder and language disorder.

(f) Relevant medical knowledge;

(i)A midwife;

A midwife may receive a mixed baby from a person in charge of diagnosis, management, and education of pregnant women, delivery, and management of a desire for child delivery, and may take emergency measures when it is necessary after discovering the abnormal condition of a mother and a child.

Sheshe may monitor the fetus during the delivery

㈎ 분만 중 태아의 심박동수를 감시하기 위한 방법으로 청진기 또는 도플러기기를 이용하는 방법과 전자태아감시장치를 이용하는 방법이 있는데, 전자태아감시장치가 임상에 도입된 이래 58,624건의 분만이 취급된 12편의 연구결과에서 전자감시를 이용한 경우와 간헐적으로 태아 심음 청취를 한 경우에서 신경학적인 손상을 입은 신생아의 발생에 차이가 없다고 보고되었다.

㈏ 이에 따라 저위험군에서는 간헐적인 태아심음청취만으로도 신생아의 예후에 아무런 영향을 미치지 아니하므로, 합병증이 있는 고위험군에서만 이를 이용하는 것이 권장되고 있다.

㈐ 산모의 분만을 유도하기 위하여 자궁수축제인 옥시토신이 사용되는데, 옥시토신은 산모의 자궁수축이 과도하거나 태아의 심박동수가 현저하게 떨어지는 등 변화가 있는 경우 그 투여를 중단하는 것이 일반적이다.

Madern Appellant, etc.

㈎ 임신 중 약 5 내지 15%에서 태아의 태변으로 인하여 양수가 오염되고, 그 중 약 5% 정도가 태변흡인증후군으로 이행되는데, 이에 관하여는 저산소증에 노출된 태아의 반응, 정상적으로 위장관이 성숙되어 가는 과정, 또는 제대 압박으로 인한 미주신경자극의 결과라는 이론 등이 있고, 이러한 태변 착색은 양수를 파수시켜 확인하기 전에는 알 수 없다.

㈏ 만삭아 및 과숙아의 경우 자궁 내 또는 분만 중 저산소증에 노출될 경우 장 운동의 항진과 항문 괄약근의 이완으로 태변이 양수로 배출되고 태아의 헐떡 호흡에 의하여 기도 내로 흡인되면 기도 폐쇄에 의한 호흡 곤란, 즉 태변흡인증후군이 발생하는데, 태변 흡인은 기도의 폐쇄와 화학적 폐렴, 그리고 심각한 폐 고혈압의 원인이 될 수 있어 즉시 적절한 치료를 해도 그 증상이 심한 경우에는 사망하거나 장기적인 신경학적 후유증이 생길 수 있으며, 그 증상의 발현 정도는 태변의 양과 기도 폐쇄 정도에 따라 다르다.

㈐ 그러나 태아가 양수를 흡인함으로써 태변을 흡인하더라도 대부분 폐의 생리적 작용으로 제거되므로 태변을 흡인하였다고 하여 태변흡인증후군이 발생되는 것은 아니고, 태변에 의한 직접적인 손상보다는 만성적인 태아 질식 상태, 즉 태변을 배출할 능력이 없는 태아에게 태변흡인증후군이 발생한다고 보고되고 있다(의학자 Wiswell 등은 14년 동안 175,000명의 신생아를 대상으로 조사한 결과 주산기에 시행한 태변 흡인 제거에 의하여 태변흡인증후군의 위험성이 감소되지 않았다는 연구결과를 보고하기도 하였다).

㈑ 태변 흡인의 빈도는 진통 기간 동안 태아 심박동 감소에 의하여 예측되지는 않으며, 진통 중 태변과 태아 심박동수 이상으로 시행한 많은 제왕절개수술이 태변 착색의 빈도를 변화시키지 않았다.

㈒ 태변 착색이 관찰되어 태변의 배출이 의심된다고 하더라도 태아가 자궁 내에서 반드시 태변을 흡인하였다고 볼 수는 없고, 출생 직후 분만실에서 코와 입의 분비물을 흡인하는 등으로 태변의 흡인 유무를 확인하는 방법은 있지만 그 양을 정확하게 측정하기는 어려우며, 흉부 X-선 사진촬영으로도 흉부 내 병변 여부, 기도 폐쇄 여부 정도만 판단할 수 있을 뿐 정확한 양을 측정할 수는 없다.

㈓ 양수의 태변 착색이 짙을 경우 두부 노출 후 흉곽이 분만되면 코와 입을 흡인기로 흡인해 주는 것이 원칙이지만, 두부 노출 후 곧바로 완전 배출이 이루어지는 급성 분만의 경우에는 완전 배출 후 기도 흡인을 하여도 무방하다.

㈔ 일반적인 태변 흡인에 대한 처치 방법은 먼저 스포이드나 Tip 흡인기로 신생아가 흡인한 태변을 제거하고, 그 후에도 호흡을 하지 않는다면 기관 내 삽관을 통하여 산소를 공급하면서 태변을 제거하여야 하는데, 응급상황이라면, 누구든 먼저 시행할 수 있는 사람이 신생아의 코와 입에 있는 태변을 제거하여 기도를 유지하고 산소를 공급하여야 한다.

㈕ 신생아에 대한 기관 내 삽관을 통한 산소의 공급은 신생아의 기도가 짧고, 시술시 시야를 확보하기 어려워 숙련된 소아과 전문의의 시술을 요하고, 숙련도나 장비의 문제로 기관 내 삽관을 하기 어려운 경우 태변을 제거하고 산소를 공급하면서 마스크와 백으로 환기를 시켜야 하며, 기관 내 삽관으로 태변을 흡인하여 제거하더라도 기도 내 태변을 완전히 제거할 수는 없다.

x Dop Apifes

㈎ 아프가 점수는 신생아의 상태를 반영하는 지표로 생후 1분과 5분에 판정하며 1분 아프가 점수는 출생시 응급소생술의 필요성을 판단하는 데 사용하고, 5분 아프가 점수는 예후 판정으로 사망 및 신경학적 장애의 가능성을 판단하는 데 사용하며, 심박동수, 호흡하려는 노력, 긴장도, 반사성, 흥분도 및 피부색깔에 대하여 0-2점을 주어 합산하여 10점이 만점, 출생시 상태가 양호한 경우는 7-10점, 호흡 기능이 감소하고 무기력하며 창백하거나 청색증을 띠는 경우 4-6점, 심박동이 느리고 잘 청진 되지 않으며 반사 반응이 저하되거나 소실되어 인공호흡 등의 소생술을 즉시 시행하여야 하는 경우 0-3점으로 평가된다.

㈏ 출생시 합병증이 있었던 유아에서 5분 아프가 점수가 3 이하일 때 사망률 및 뇌성마비의 빈도가 상당히 증가되었고, 합병증이 없었던 경우 낮은 아프가 점수만으로는 뇌성마비의 위험도가 높아지지 않았으며, 낮은 아프가 점수 하나만으로는 신경장애를 초래할 만큼의 저산조증이 있다고 단정할 수는 없다.

(v)the main flag of the U.S.;

Although the definition is unclear, it is difficult to say that a fetus is in a domestic state due to lack of oxygen, if the heart food of the fetus has been reduced to less than 120 times per minute, it is doubtful that the fetus is difficult, and if the heart food of the fetus has been reduced to less than 120 times per minute after the decline, if there is a heart food less than 100 times per minute, it shall be doubtful that the fetus is difficult, and if there is a baby less than 120-160 times per minute before the decline, and if there is a domestic house after birth, it is possible to prove the color of the takeover, and if the heart food of the fetus has decreased due to the reduction of the heart food of the fetus in the urine color.

⑹ 뇌성마비

㈎ 뇌성마비는 특정한 질병이라기보다는 증후군으로 성장 발달 초기단계에 뇌에 생긴 병변이나 기형으로 인한 비진행성 운동장애 증후군으로 정의되는 포괄적인 용어로서 증등도 이상의 뇌성마비의 발생 빈도는 1,000명의 신생아 중 2 내지 2.5명으로 보고되고 있으며, 그 빈도는 출생시 체중에 따라 큰 차이를 나타낸다.

㈏ 뇌성마비의 원인은 현재까지 구체적으로 밝혀지지는 않았으나, 최근 임상적 역학 연구에서 뇌실 주위 백질연화증이 뇌성마비 발생의 가장 중요한 위험인자로 생각되고 있고, 조산에 의한 미성숙은 뇌성마비의 주요 위험 인자로 만삭아의 성숙한 뇌보다 미성숙 발달 과정의 조산아 뇌에서 발생하기 쉬우며, 기타 위험 인자로서 태아 저산소증, 인공호흡기 사용이 필요한 호흡곤란 증후군, 패혈증, 태반 조기 박리, 주산기 가사 등이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다(한편 뇌성마비의 선행 원인과 관련이 있는 인자는 모체의 정신지체, 2000g 미만의 체중, 태아 기형 등이 있으나, 산과적 합병증은 큰 관련이 없다는 보고도 있다).

㈐ 뇌성마비는 산전, 출산, 주산기에 발생한 뇌의 손상으로 인하여 근육 조절 능력이나, 보행 및 자세유지 등에 문제를 일으키는 질환으로 생후 3-4개월 정도부터 시작되는 머리 가누기, 뒤집기 등의 발달이 늦거나 이루어지지 않는 증상이 나타나므로, 진단은 그러한 운동이 나타나기 시작하는 생후 3-4개월은 되어야 가능하고, 병력, 이학적 소견, 뇌전산화단층촬영 등으로 진단이 가능하며, 신생아의 뇌는 출생 후 4세에 이르기까지 발달되므로 신생아기에는 진단하기 어렵다.

2. The assertion and judgment

A. The plaintiffs' assertion

The plaintiffs asserted that the defendant 2's medical practice is against the main part of the medical contract, and that the defendant 2 neglected to observe the delivery. The defendant 2's medical practice is non-licensed medical practice, and that the defendant 2 neglected to observe the prompt delivery, as well as that the defendant 2 neglected to do so, and that the plaintiff 1 suffered damage to the low-carbon brain by wrong removal, etc. after delivery, and that as a result, the defendant 2 is liable for all damages suffered by the plaintiffs as an employer of the defendant 2.

B. Criteria for determining whether a medical worker has been negligent

In order to recognize the negligence of a medical worker in a medical accident, the medical worker failed to anticipate the occurrence of the result even though he could have predicted the occurrence of the result, and even if he could avoid the occurrence of the result, the negligence that failed to avoid the occurrence of the result should be examined. In determining the existence of the negligence, the degree of general attention of the general person engaged in the same duties and duties should be based on the standard, and the level of general medical science at the time of the accident, the environment and conditions of medical practice, and the special characteristics of the medical practice should be

C. Determination

(1) Determination as to the assertion that the medical practice is contrary to the main text of the contract

The plaintiffs were hospitalized in ○○ Hospital with the knowledge that the help of the father and the doctor was sought, and the ○ Hospital had Defendant 2, a midwife take charge of only the part of the plaintiff 3. This is not only in violation of the main text of the medical contract, but also because there was no error in the pre-industrial diagnosis executed by the plaintiff 3 before the commencement of only the part was discovered, and the part was planned to be only natural portion, and the midwife can take charge of only the part can take charge of the part, and if necessary when he found the abnormal part of the mother and the infant, the part of the work at ○○ Hospital affiliated with the ○○○ Hospital, and the part of the work at ○○○ Hospital, a midwife, and the part of the plaintiff 3 with the help of the assistant nurse, and the part of the contract did not violate the right to self-determination of the plaintiff 3.

【Judgment on the argument that he neglected surveillance

The plaintiffs asserted that the plaintiff 3 was negligent in failing to properly grasp the plaintiff 1's attitude color and meconium due to failure to observe delivery, which sawly heard through an electronic fluor monitoring rather than an electronic fluor's surveillance, despite the fact that the plaintiff 3 was in force using the meconium, but it was found that there was no difference in the occurrence of a newborn baby suffering from neological harm in the case where the plaintiff 1 was using an electronic meconium monitoring device and the fetus listens to the meconiumly, and that there was no difference in the occurrence of a newborn baby suffering from neconium; ② the meconium was found to have discovered the meconium color and immediately measured the meconium, not 162 times/minute; ② the meconium was 162 times or minutes of the meconium which was measured by the plaintiff 1 at the time of birth; ③ the part of the meconium was measured to the extent that the meconium could not have known before the meconium.

【Judgment on Unlicensed Medical Practice Claim

Inasmuch as the Plaintiffs informed Plaintiff 3’s acquisition by transfer of her position while taking over her emergency situation, the Plaintiffs asserted that there was negligence that Plaintiff 1 caused Plaintiff 1 to lose treatment opportunity by taking care of her emergency situation without neglecting her duty to take care of her part in preparation for emergency situation, she cannot be deemed to have inhaleed her attitude within her own condition even if her fetus is doubtful upon observation of her attitude color, she cannot be deemed to have taken care of her mother’s her mother’s her mother. 3rd, even if her fetus was unable to take over her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother her mother.

· Judgment on the argument that only the prompt division has been neglected

The plaintiffs discovered that the acquisition by the plaintiff 3 was in color of the body, and therefore, they reported this to the father and the doctor, and the defendant 2 was negligent in failing to cause physical harm to the fetus. However, although the defendant 2 found the urine color, the time spent from the time when the plaintiff 3 discovered the urine color to the time when the plaintiff 3 delivered the plaintiff 1 was about 17 minutes, and even if the defendant 2 found the urine color and decided to implement the urine urine immediately, it is clear that the woman and the doctor outside the hospital prepared the operation to the hospital, and the more time should be taken until the procedure is actually performed, so this part of the claim is not justified.

(v) determine that there was negligence in removal measures after childbirth, etc.

The plaintiffs found that the defendant 2 had found that the urine had been applied to the transferee at the time of delivery, and that the plaintiff 1 did not pulmonate immediately after birth, as well as that the plaintiff 1 had three minute Ap points, so that the plaintiff 2 had been negligent in removing the urine without delay and supplying the urine with the doctor on duty, etc.

(6) In light of the above facts, the Plaintiff’s doctor was unable to perform the pulmonary treatment for the Plaintiff’s non-exploitation of pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary Zus.

⑹ 따라서 원고 1이 분만 중 태변 흡인으로 저산소성 뇌손상을 입고 이로 인하여 뇌성마비가 되었는지 여부에 대하여 따져볼 필요도 없이 원고들의 피고 2에 대한 주장은 모두 이유 없고, 피고 2의 과실을 전제로 피고 1에 대하여 사용자책임을 구하는 원고들의 주장 또한 이유 없다 할 것이다.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the plaintiffs' claim of this case is dismissed due to the lack of reason, and the judgment of the court of first instance as to this conclusion is just, and the plaintiff 1's claim expanded from the plaintiffs' appeal and the court of first instance is without merit, and it is all dismissed, and it is so decided as per Disposition.

Judges Park Jong-nam (Presiding Judge)
