본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 제주지방법원 2019.07.22 2019고단1067

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

"2019 Highest 1067"

1. Intrusion upon residence, theft;

A. The Defendant committed the crime of April 30, 2019: (a) around 11:00 on April 30, 2019, up to 350,000 won in cash owned by the victim and stolen property from the entrance of the victim C through an open entrance, and stolen the property to the house; (b) invaded upon the victim’s residence; and (c) cut off one copy of the resident registration certificate, one driver’s license, one copy of the debit card issued by the new bank, one of the agricultural cooperatives, and two copies of the gift certificates of KRW 30,000 in the market price, including two copies of the gift certificates of KRW 5,00,00.

B. On May 13, 2019, the Defendant committed the crime of May 13, 2019, at around 14:00 on May 13, 2019, stolen property from the victim’s house as described in the above “A” through the entrance open from the entrance of the entrance to the house, and stolen the cash amount of KRW 30,000 owned by the victim, which had infringed upon the victim’s house, and went to the house.

2. At night, around 02:50 on May 16, 2019, the Defendant: (a) opened an open kitchen at the time of the victim’s house indicated in “No. 1-A” and intruded up to the front door; and (b) stolen the cash amounting to KRW 14,000,000 owned by the victim in the front section of the region.

"2019 Highest 1203"

1. Intrusion upon residence;

A. On October 24, 2018, around 09:00, the Defendant entered the victim’s residence D and the victim’s E with a crepane by making the victim’s crepane of management by making the crepane the crepane, and went into the house through the window to intrude the victim’s residence.

B. On January 21, 2019, between 22:00 on January 21, 201 and 23:30 on the same day, the Defendant infringed upon the victim’s residence by entering the victim’s house by using the gaps newly developed by the victim E, and intending to open the window in the victim’s house.

C. The Defendant, from January 22, 2019 to 04:00 on the same day, has reached the residence of the victim E, such as the foregoing Paragraph (b).
