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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2014.05.02 2013고합614

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

The charge of causing property damage among the facts charged of this case is acquitted.


Punishment of the crime

On September 27, 2012, the Defendant received a summary order of KRW 500,00,000 from the Gwangju District Court to the victim B (V, 55 years of age) who was living in the neighbor's house. From May 28, 2013 to August 20, 2013, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for 6 months at the Gwangju District Court sentenced on December 19, 2013 to the effect that he threatened the victim over five times from May 28, 2013 to August 20, and damaged the vehicle of the victim on two occasions, and the Defendant was willing to take a retaliation on the ground that the victim submitted the statement and testimony of damage related to the above case, etc. and submitted the data.

1. On November 22, 2013, at around 20:10, the Defendant found the victim’s house located in Gwangjubuk-gu C apartment 103 503 Dong-gu, Gwangju, and showed the Defendant’s attitude that “Around November 22, 2013, the Defendant saw that the Defendant would inflict any harm on the victim’s life or body, such as “the knife and throw away the knife, thrown away the knife, thrown away, and thrown away the knife”.

2. On November 23, 2013, at around 00:06, the Defendant, while doing the above behavior at the same place as Paragraph 1, showed the attitude of referring to as “Doar Youth and knife in a knife,” thereby leading to any harm and injury to the life or body of the victim.

3. On December 1, 2013, at around 16:50, the Defendant, while engaging in the foregoing conduct at the same place as set forth in paragraph (1), showed the attitude that “the Defendant had expressed a certain degree of harm and injury to the life or body of the victim, such as “the knife knife with knife, thrown away, knife, knife, knife, and knife.”

4. The Defendant, from around 21:50 on December 1, 2013 to around 02:46 on the following day, engaged in the above behavior at the same place as Paragraph 1, and showed the attitude of “the Defendant, i.e., “the knife knife, thrown away, knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, etc.,” leading to any harm on the victim’s life or body.
