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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2015.08.13 2015고단1050


A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for six months and by imprisonment with prison labor for ten months.

Defendants 1 and 2 of this title.


Punishment of the crime

When the Defendants and D transferred the passbook and card to the telephone financial fraud organization, such as so-called “singing, etc.,” the said fraud organization anticipated to commit a crime against many unspecified persons by using the passbook and card, and transferred the passbook, etc. opened in the name of the Defendants, the Defendants and D had the intent to withdraw the said damage amount from the fraud organization first, if the money was deposited by using the passbook and the card.

1. No person who violates the Electronic Financial Transactions Act shall transfer the means of access to electronic financial transactions;

D around October 2014, 2014, D directed Defendant A to save a person who can sell the passbook to Defendant A, Defendant A introduced Defendant B to around November 2, 2014, and D had Defendant B make three copies of the passbook (Account Number E) in the name of the bank in the name of Defendant B and the check card connected to the above account, and Defendants and D sent the above passbook in the name of Defendant B in the vicinity of Gangseo-gu Seoul, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, on November 3, 2014 through Kwikkset Service.

Accordingly, the Defendants and D conspired to transfer the means of access to electronic financial transactions.

2. On November 3, 2014, the Defendants and D, knowing that the bank account in the name of the Defendant B was to be used for the scaming crime as above, shall transfer the passbook and scam card to the person under whose name the account was known, and the name in whose name the Defendants and D received the above passbook and scam card from the Defendants and D, and then call the victim F on November 3, 2014, and call it to the victim F on November 3, 2014, and make the misrepresentation as the employees of the Financial Supervisory Service, and then transfer the money deposited in the new bank and post office account to a safe account. Accordingly, the victim’s bank account in the name of the Defendant B from the victim to our bank account in the name of the Defendant B.
