본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.10.04 2018고정1279

Defendants shall be punished by a fine of KRW 2,000,000.

The Defendants did not pay the above fine separately.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendants are those who purchased both main packaging sets that allow customers to reuse drinking alcoholic beverages from C and D, which are sent to the Busan District Public Prosecutor's Office, and then then then pack as if they were the new owners. Defendant E is the owner of an entertainment establishment located in Ulsan-gu F, and Defendant H is the owner of an “G” entertainment establishment located in Busan-gu I; Defendant A is the owner of a “J music store” located in Busan-gu, and Defendant A is the owner of an “L music store” located in Busan-gu, Busan-gu, and Defendant B is the owner of an “Osing” located in P, Busan-gu, and Defendant P is the owner of the “Osing” located in Q, P is the owner of the “Osing shop” located in Busan-gu, Busan-do, and Defendant C is the owner of the “Osing shop” located in the “UM”, “V's employees located in P, Y,” Defendant C’s insurance finance, and Defendant C’s employees located in P, Nam-gu, Y.

No one shall deliver, sell, forge, imitate, or possess a trademark identical or similar to another person's registered trademark for the purpose of using or making another person use such trademark on goods identical or similar to the designated goods.

1. Defendant A: (a) around December 14, 2017, Defendant A: (b) around 14, 2017, registered the designated goods of the Korea Intellectual Property Office with the Korea Intellectual Property Office by designating the designated goods as the above skiing, etc. (No. 40039374000); (c) 700 marks identical or similar to that of the WINSOR; (d) designated goods of the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the designated goods of which are identical or similar to that of the Korea Intellectual Property Office (No. 409509480000) and registered with the Korea Intellectual Property Office as the above skiing, etc. (No. 40950948000).
