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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2012.10.25 2012고단2795


A Imprisonment with prison labor for a year and six months, for a year and two months, for a defendant B and for a year and one year, for a defendant C, respectively.



Punishment of the crime

[2012 Highest 2795] The telephone financial fraud organization assumes each of its roles, under the direction of the Chinese general book, such as misrepresentation of government agencies to Korean domestic people, remittance, and solicitation of victims from a bank nearest bank automatic rupture rupture rupture to take a telephone, and then inducing them to transfer the victim to the so-called large-term bank account prepared in advance. The local call center, China's general book ordering the withdrawal, remittance, and solicitation of passbook, China's general book, China's general book management and withdrawal, remittance, and solicitation of passbooks, China's general book, and the Korean book, and the cash deposited in the passbooks under the direction of the Korean general book, transfer the cash withdrawn from Korea to China, and the solicitation of passbooks to be used for committing the crime, and operates it in the form of an organization in preparation for arrest.

The Defendants, under the direction of the person F, who is a Chinese telephone financial fraud organization, received the cash card in the name of another person to be used for the crime, and play a role in withdrawing cash by using it and remitting it.

1. The Defendants’ co-principal

A. On March 15, 2012, at around 08:47, a single name “F,” which is a Chinese telephone financial fraud organization, the Defendants made a false statement to the effect that “two passbooks in the name of the party are the public prosecutor of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office.” The two passbooks in the name of the party are being used for money laundering purposes. There is concern that the Defendants may be used for a crime, which can only be protected on the site of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office (http://sa.b.b.12.com). In connection, the Defendants made a false statement to the effect that personal information is input.”

However, in fact, the above telephone was made by telephone financial fraud (one scamsing) telephone, and the staff in charge of false information was informed the victim of the address of the site of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office.

The Defendants, together with one-person “F”, deceiving the victim as above.
