본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2020.10.06 2020고단931

The sentence against the accused shall be determined by one year and four months of imprisonment.


Punishment of the crime

1. On September 2019, the criminal defendant against the victim B calls to the victim B, who is the alumni of a middle school, and made an investment of KRW 3 billion in the amount of the interim motor vehicle scrapping track business license to be paid for the first time, although there are many time to operate the business, and he made an investment of KRW 800 million in the bond business through Heginging, and he made an investment of KRW 800 million in the bond business through Heging, because there are no more people who use money due to the occurrence of a new game, and there is no longer money so that there is a lot of money so that there is no difference in money, interest would be paid for a high interest if he/she lends money, and the principal will be paid for KRW 500,000 as interest, KRW 10,000,000 per week, and the principal will be paid after payment after one week.”

However, there was no intention or ability to repay the debt even if it borrowed money or received investment from the victim due to the lack of any specific property.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, as such, by deceiving the victim, received KRW 19 million from the victim to the Defendant’s agricultural bank account (C) around October 4, 2019, and received KRW 17 million from that time until the 17th day of the same month, from that time, from that time, the Defendant received KRW 14 million each time in total, such as the list of crimes.

2. On May 2018, the Defendant, on the victim D, made a false statement stating that “The Defendant, on the first day of the early May 2018, 2018, she was able to receive five and six (6) interest from her husband and her husband and her life, she gets paid to her money by using five and six (5) her interest by making an investment in his her son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s life.”

However, there was no intention or ability to repay the debt even if it borrowed money or received investment from the victim due to the lack of any specific property.

Nevertheless, there is a need to do so.
